下学期 Unit 2 What time is it 第六课时

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
 课题:Unit 2 What time is it?  教学重点:Read and write 中的单词和句子在四线格中的正确书写。  教学难点:分析元音字母e的发音规则,拼写单词English和Chinese以及在四线格中...

下学期 Unit 2 What time is it 第五课时

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
  课题:Unit 2 What time is it?  教学重点:“It’s time to…”和“It’s time for…”的用法。  教学难点:学生对感叹词“oops”的理解:表示惊讶、狼狈时发出的喊声。  教...

We love animals(第一课时)

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
 教学理念:  1、面向全体,注重素质。   《英语新课程标准》指出:教学要面向全体学生,教师要注意注重对学生的素质教育。《新课标》强调小学英语教学的首要目的是要激发小学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的...

Let’s say Let’s chant (P16)

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
一、 教学目标:  1. 知识目标  (1) 听、说、读、写字母Ff, Gg, 听懂、会说以这两个字母为首的单词,如:fish, goose, girl, father.  (2) 会说A Let’s chant 部分的歌谣。  (3) 巩固Aa---Gg的字母。  2....

Let’s learn Let’s chant and Culture (P18、P21)

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
一 教学目标:  1. 知识目标  (1) 听、说、认读单词sister, brother.  (2) 听懂、会说感叹句What a big fish!   (3) 会用感叹词Wow!  (4) 理解C Culture部分的内容  2. 能力目标  (1) 能用所学单词、句...

May I have a hot dog ?

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
Language focus: l Using formulaic expressions to buy something e.g.May I have a hot dog ? l Using indefimite articles to refer to a particular things e.g. May I have a pizza ? l Using nouns to i...

My schoolbag

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
教学内容:PEP第三册Unit 2 My schoolbag 第五课时,B.Lets talk Group work C. Lets check教学目标:1、 能听懂、会说:My schoolbag is heavy. Whats in it? Thank you so much! How many....do you have? 并能在实...

Unit 5 Fruit

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
Language focus: Using nouns to identify objects e.g.apple,pear. Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses e.g.Is this an apple? Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g.Yes,it...

Look! I have a ...

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
Teaching aims: 1、Can understand 、say 、read 7 words:cat、duck、panda、monkey、rabbit、dog、zoo. 2、Learn the sentence:Look! I have a . Ss can catch the mean, speak the sentence and use the senten...

Unit 3 Let’s paint

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
1. Warming upA) Play a game (clap the hands)B) Sing songs2.Greeting and revisionHow are you ?Hello , Good afternoon .How are you ? What’s the weather like today ?Do you like sunny day ?Do you l...

Unit 4 My body

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
Language focus: Using nouns to identify parts of body e.g.eye,mouth,nose,ear,hand,arm,toe. Using pronouns to refer to particular things . e.g.This is my hand. Using imperatives to catch people’...


2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
  A: Hello! Can I help you?  B: Yes, I want a sweater for my daughter, please.  A: How about this one?  B: Oh, good. The size is OK.  C: Mum, I dont like the colour.  A: Do you like...

Lesson Three (五)

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
 教学目标:  1.语音:  2.自测(Test Yourself)  重难点:  1.元音字母组合 ee/ea [i:]  辅音字母 Kk[k]  Gg [g]  区别长短音[i:] [i]  教学过程:  Oral English  How much is your pen / ruler / ja...

Personal History

2021-10-22 0 四年级英语
Name in Full: Chen Ai feiDate of Birth: Feb16, 1978Permanent Address: No.2 XiXia Road, Song QiaoTelephone: 63770077Hobbies and Interests: Travel Reading History Science Music Painting Architectu...