I Teaching aims and demands

  1. Enable the Ss to master the new words and expressions:

  pm, late, hurry, go home, excuse me.

  2. Enable the Ss to mater the sentence patterns:

  Excuse me.

  What time is it?

  II Key points

  1. The new words;

  2. The sentence patterns.

  III Teaching aids

  1. Word cards;

  2. Tape and cassette;

  3. CAI;

  4. Number cards;

  5. A clock.

  IV Teaching Steps

Lesson 1

  Step 1 Warming up

  1. Make greetings.

  1) Nice to meet you.

  2) How do you feel today?

  2. Revision

  1) Count from 0 to 10;

  2) Count from 11 to 19;

  3) Count from 20 to 100;

  Step 2 Presentation(CAI)

  1. Part 2 Listen, point and say.

  1) Show a clock.

  2) Look at the pictures and watch the CAI carefully.

  ① Feel a second;

  ② Feel a minute;

  3) Learn to read the time.

  ① 10:00 ten o’clock   It’s ten o’clock.

  ② 6:30  six thirty    It’s six thirty.

  ③ 3:40  three forty   It’s three forty.

  ④ 7:15  seven fifteen  It’s seven fifteen.

  ⑤ 8:00  eight o’clock  It’s eight o’clock.

  ⑥ 9:00  nine o’clock  It’s nine o’clock.

  4) Read and say them.

  5) Ask some Ss to teach them.

  6) Read them together.

  2. Part 1 Watch, listen and say.

  1) Look at the picture and say what you know from it;

  2) Watch the CAI carefully;

  3) Listen to the tape;

  4) Listen again and learn some sentences:

  ① What time is it now? 现在几点钟了?

  ② It’s six pm. 下午六点了。

  ③ It’s late. 时间不早了。

  ④ Let’s go home. 我们回家吧。

  5) Listen again and read after it aloud.

  6) Ask some Ss to teach to read it.

  7) Read it together.

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1. Activity 1 Listen and draw.

  1) Listen and draw the correct picture.

  2) Check the answer.

  2. Activity 2 Ask and answer.

  1) Read the model;

  Model: Excuse me, what time is it?

  It’s ….

  Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。劳驾你一下。

  2) Practice freely;

  3) Make performance.

  4) Make some sentences.

  Model: Excuse me, what time is it?

  It’s ….

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1. Read the dialogue together.

  2. Read and write the sentences:

  Model: Excuse me, what time is it?

  It’s ….

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2. Draw some clocks and say the time, then write them down.

  3. Finish the exercises on EB.

  4. Revise lesson 1.

  5. Preview lesson 2.

Lesson 2

  Step 1 Warming up

  1. Make greetings.

  1) Nice to meet you.

  2) What day is it today?

  3) How do you feel today?

  2. Counting the numbers.

  1) Count from 0 to 10;

  2) Count from 11 to 19;

  3) Count from 20 to 100;

  Step 2 Presentation(CAI)

  1. Revision

  1) Show a clock.

  2) Say the time of the clock.

  3) Say the time on CAI.

  2. Part 1 Listen, learn and act.

  1) Look at the pictures carefully.

  2) Listen to the tape.

  3) Learn some sentences;

  ① It’s eight in Beijing. 在北京是八点。

  ② It’s one in the UK. 在英国是一点。

  4) Listen again and read after it aloud.

  5) Ask some Ss to teach them.

  6) Read it together.

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1. Activity 3 Make a clock and talk about the time.

  1) Make a clock.

  2) Talk about the time.

  3) Make performance.

  2. EB.

  1) Finish the exercises;

  2) Check the answer.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1. Read the dialogue together.

  2. Read and write the sentences:

  Model: Excuse me, what time is it?

  It’s ….

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2. Revise lesson 2.

  3. Preview lesson 3.

Lesson 3

  Step 1 Warming up

  1. Make greetings.

  1) Nice to meet you.

  2) What day is it today?

  3) How do you feel today?

  2. Counting the numbers.

  1) Count from 0 to 10;

  2) Count from 11 to 19;

  3) Count from 20 to 60;

  Step 2 Presentation(CAI)

  1. Revision

  1) Show a clock.

  2) Say the time of the clock.

  3) Say the time on CAI.

  2. Part 1 Read and write.

  1) Look at the pictures carefully.

  2) Fill in the blanks.

  3) Check the answer.

  ① one o’clock

  ② two o’clock

  ③ three o’clock

  ④ four o’clock

  4) Read the passage after T.

  5) Read it together.

  3. Part 2 Read and spell.

  1) Look at the pictures carefully;

  2) Read and spell the words;

  M  mango, milk, monkey.

  3) Ask some Ss to teach them;

  4) Find more words beginning with “F”:

  many, man, map, may, …

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1. Activity 4 Let’s play..

  1) Read the model;

  Model: Wolf, wolf, what time is it?

   It’s twelve. It’s time to eat you.

  2) Practice in groups freely.

  3) Make performances.

  2. EB.

  1) Finish the exercises;

  2) Check the answer.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1. Read the dialogue together.

  2. Read and write the sentences:

  Model: Excuse me, what time is it?

  It’s ….

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2. Find 10 words beginning with “M”.

  3. Revise unit 8.

  4. Preview unit 9.


What time is it?(人教版四年级上册)一文由备课库www.beikeku.com搜集整理,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处!

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原文地址:What time is it?(人教版四年级上册)-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
