第五十课 Lesson Fifty

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
第五十课 Lesson Fifty一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。2.初步学习不定代词one的用法。二、教具录音机;上节课使用过的图片。三、课堂教学设计1.复习上一课所学的单词和句型。先放一遍第49课第1段录音,然后指导学生就挂在黑板上...

第四十四课 Lesson Forty-four

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
第四十四课 Lesson Forty-four一、教学内容1.单元复习。2.认读音标:[ai],[i],[l],[m],[n],[R]。3.学唱:Come and See My Family。4.小结本单元语法项目。二、教具录音机;音标卡片;前面几课使用过的图片或照片。三、课堂教学设计1....

Unit 13 What colour is it?

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Unit 13 What colour is it? 一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,使学生能运用所学英语,正确地描述物体的颜色;同时进一步学习分辨人物的用语,并加以运用。在本单元还要继续认读6个国际音标。二、教学重点与难点1.句型:1)Wh...

Unti 1 Welcome back!

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Unti 1 Welcome back!一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,使学生学会并初步掌握表示请求(Requests)的一般用语及应答,能较为熟练地运用在口语中。本单元还将通过复习形式,使学生重温现在进行时的构成和意义;要求学生能较...

第四十三课 Lesson Forty-three

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
第四十三课 Lesson Forty-three 一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。2.复习有关表示问候、介绍的日常用语。二、教具录音机;家庭照片(或图片)。三、课堂教学设计1.复习前两课所学的句型和词汇。教师拿出图片与学生进行口头练习。检...

第二课 Lesson Two

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
第二课 Lesson Two一、教学内容1.词汇(略)2.日常交际用语:[表示请求用语及应答]1)May I have/borrow a piece of paper, please ? Certainly. Here you are./Here ,take this one. 2)Do you have a big piece ,please? Ye...

第一课 Lesson One

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
第一课 Lesson One一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。2.句型:能口、笔头运用以下句型: 1) Welcome back to school! 2) Let me call your names. 3.日常交际用语:[表示请求、道歉及应答的用语] 1) May I come in, please? 2) Im s...

第四课 Lesson Four

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
第四课 Lesson Four一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。2.语音:复习音标及字母组合[+:] er, ir,ur,or;[% :] a,ar;[ a(::] ou, ow 3.句型:复习There +be的句型。二、教具录音机;音标卡片;模仿课文第2部分的表格绘制一张大表(表上的内容可...

第三课 Lesson Three

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
第三课 Lesson Three一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。2.句型:1) Please dont call me Lily. 2) Who has a ruler? 3) You look the same.3.语法:复习现在进行时。二、教具录音机、尺子等学习用具(某位同学保管)。三、课堂教学设计1.复...

Lesson 2

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Lesson 2Step 1 RevisionGreet the class. Ask Whats the date today? Help the Ss to answer, e. g. Its September 2nd, 1996. Keep doing this in every lesson from now on.Revise the names of objects by playi...

教学步骤(Teaching steps)

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
教学步骤(Teaching steps) Lesson 1Note:As this is the first lesson, spend up to two class periods on it. Steps 1-4 could occupy the first lesson. This will give you more time to get to know the class an...

Lesson 6

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Lesson 6Note:Ordinal numbers (such as sixth) can be taught in the same way as in the previous lessons. Tell Ss that most of them are formed by adding th after corresponding cardinal numbers.Step 1 Re...

Lesson 3

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Lesson 3Step 1 RevisionWrite on the board: Lesson Three, the third lesson .Revise the dialogues in SB page 2, Part 2 and Part 3.Step 2 PracticeGet the Ss, first as a class, then individually, to respon...

Unit 2 How do you come to school?

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Unit 2 How do you come to school?一、教学目标与要求学生能运用一般现在时态,表述一些经常或习惯性的动作,是本单元教学的重要目标。通过本单元教学,重点培养学生有关交通方式这一话题的交际能力。在本单元结束后,学生...

Lesson 5

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Lesson 5Note:When teaching new words, its a good idea to remind the Ss of the spelling rules they know. For example, refer to food, soon, afternoon while teaching moon; refer to other, mother, brother...

教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)一、教学内容分析本单元是初中二年级第一学期的第一个单元。除复习初一学过的动词的现在进行时态外,重点教学内容还有以下4个:(一)情态动词 may 用来请求允许及其应答。第1-4课均有对话...

教学参考资料 (Reference for teaching)

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
教学参考资料 (Reference for teaching)补充注释(Additional notes)1.Good morning, sir. 先生,早晨好。sir 是对男士的尊称,学生对男教师的称呼。根据教师的性别,称为Miss…或Mr…。英语国家的学生称呼教师在不带姓氏时,就称...

Lesson 10

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Lesson 10Step 1 RevisionWrite up on the board: Lesson Ten, the____ lesson. Get a student to write in the missing word. Check the homework.Revise the comparative forms in Lesson 9. Get the Ss to compare...

Lesson 8

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
Lesson 8Step 1 RevisionTeach eighth in the same way as seventh. (But only one t in eighth!) Ask a student What time do you usually get up?Write the answer on the Bb. Get other Ss to ask the student qu...

教学参考资料(Reference for teaching)

2021-10-22 0 七年级英语
教学参考资料(Reference for teaching)补充注释(Additional notes)1.乘坐何种交通工具的表达法,除了 by bike/bus/ car/ jeep/ train/ boat/ ship/ plane外,还有 by land(陆路), by river (水路), by sea (海路)和 by air(航空)。这些...