Read and act
                     The King’s New Clothes
There is a king. He likes new clothes. He doesn’t care about his soldiers. He only cares about his new clothes. Two crooks come.
A:  The king is so vain. He likes new clothes. Let’s trick him!
B:  What a good idea!
So the crooks go to meet the king. They bring a loom with them too.
A:  Dear emperor, our loom is very special.
     It makes beautiful cloth. But only clever people can see it.
B:  let’s make some beautiful clothes for you from this cloth.
C:  OK. Make me some new clothes.
A:  Yes, dear emperor. But first give us some golden buttons
      for your new clothes.
C:  OK. Here you are.
   A few days later, the king goes to see his new clothes.
C:  Oh, no, I can’t see anything at all. Am I stupid?
      Ah, how beautiful my new clothes look!
A:  Let’s help you put them on. 
B:  Wow! You are so beautiful!
   The king walks down the street. 
D:  Oh, how beautiful the king looks!
E:  Wow, what nice new clothes!
F:  Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at the king! He is only wearing his underwear.
C:  Oh! No! What can I do now?

( A: crook1     B: crook2      C: king )  
(D: people2    E: people2     F: child)

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原文地址:The king's new clothes发布于2021-10-22
