科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit23.1.doc
标题 Telephones
章节 第二十三单元
关键词 高二英语第二十三单元
【 抛砖引玉 】
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
get together, all the best , have a word with , in other words , excellent , chat , connect … with , hire , wind ( vt . ) , strengthen , frequently , recover , smart , distant , lately , interrupt , remind , lack , due , income , announce , bargain , sew , needle , thread , frequent , free of charge , dial , have … on conversation , handle ( n . ) , directory , telephone ,

Ⅱ. 交际英语

1. Hello . Can I speak to … , please? There is no … here .

2. I/m sorry . I think I dialled the wrong number .

3. Hello . Is that … ? I called to ask/tell you …

4. Hold on . I/ll go and get …

5. Please could I have a word with … ?

6. I/ll have to ring off now . Someone wants to use the phone .

Ⅲ. 语法学习




1 . 主语从句:复合句中充当主语的从句叫主语从句。如:

That he is ready to help others is well - known .

( that 引导主语从句在从句中没有含义,也不充当成分,但不宜省略。 )

Whether he will attend the meeting is not decided . ( 不用 if 引导主语从句。 )

其他的连接词还有 who , what , which , when , where , how , why 等。如:

Which team will win the match is still unknown .

What we need is your help .

How he became a famous musician is known to all .

主语从句做主语,句子显得不太平衡,因此常将它移到名子后面,前面用引导词 it 来作形式主语。如:

It/s a pity that she had made such a mistake .

2 . 表语从句:用作表语的从句叫表语从句。如:

That is why I didn/t attend the meeting .

I didn/t know it . That is because I didn/t attend the meeting .

They are just what I/m looking for .

其他连词还有 that , whether , as if , who , which , when , where , how , why 等。

3 . 同位语从句:用作同位语的从句,叫同位语从句。

它一般跟在抽象名词 ( 如 idea , news , fact , possibility 等的后面,用以说明名词所表示的具体内容。引导同位语的词有连词 that , 连接副词 how , when , where 等。如:

The idea that computers will recognize human voices surprises many people .

The possibility that the majority of the labour force will work at home

is often discussed .


1 ) 同位语从句的连接词 that 在从句中不充当成份,没有实际含义,而定语从句的连接词 that 在从句中常做主语或宾语。如:

The news that he told us just now is exciting . ( 定语从句 )

The news that our team won the game is exciting . ( 同位语从句 )

2 ) 同位语从句的连接词 that 在从句中不能省略,而定语从句的连接词 that 如果在从句中充当宾语,可以省略。如:

The news that he told us just now is exciting .

句中的 that 在从句中做 told 的直接宾语,所以可以省略。

3 ) 同位语从句常用连接词 that , 连接副词 when , where 等常用于 have no ( some ) idea 后。如:I have no idea when he will be back . ( 同位语从句 ) = I don/t know when he/ll be back .

I will never forget the day when I joined the army . ( 定语从句 )

【 指点迷津 】

very 误用例析

1 . [ 误 ]I/m very afraid he/s out .

[ 正 ]I/m very much afraid he/s out .

[ 析 ]very 不能修饰 afraid , asleep , awake , alone , alive 等表语形容词,这类形容词要用其他副词修饰。如:be wide awake , be fast ( deep , sound ) asleep , be quite alone , be very much alive。

2 . [ 误 ]The situation seems to be very improved .

[ 正 ]The situation seems to be very much ( much ) improved .

[ 析 ]在没有形容词化仍有动词性的现在分词和过去分词之前不能用 very , 应用 very much 或 much。very 只能修饰 amusing , disappointing , exciting , interesting , moving , pleasing , satisfying , devoted , interested , learned , pleased , surprised , tired , worried 等形容词化的分词。

3 . [ 误 ]I/m very tired that I can/t walk a bit farther .

[ 正 ]I/m so tired that I can/t walk a bit farther .

[ 析 ]very 不能替代 so…that 和 too…to 中的 so 和 too 修饰其形容词和副词。so…that 与 too…to 属于固定句型结构。

4 . [ 误 ]It was very impossible for her to catch the 9 o/clock train .

[ 正 ]It was quite impossible for her to catch the 9 o/clock train .

[ 析 ]very 不能修饰 impossible , mistaken , different , right 和 wrong 等不可分等级的形容词。修饰这些词时,常用 quite。

5 . [ 误 ]The book is very worth reading .

[ 正 ]The book is well worth reading .

[ 析 ]worth 是表语形容词,表示“很值得……”时,常用 well 修饰而不用 very。

6 . [ 误 ]He is very anxious to leave .

[ 正 ]He is too anxious to leave .

[ 析 ]句式“主语 + 系动词 + ( only , , but ) too + adj . + to do sth . ”,意为“非常或 + 分……去干某事”,此时不用 very 代替 too。能用于这一句式的形容词有 anxious , eager , ready , pleased , glad 等。


【 学法指要 】


1 . hire 常用作动词,意为“雇用 ( 某人 ) ( = employ ) ;租借 ( 东西 ) ( = rent ) ”。例如:

They hired five more hands for the rice harvest .

They hired a concert hall with accommodations for 300 people .

2 . wind 用作动词时,为不规则动词,过去式和过去分词都是 wound , 可以表示“ ( 道路、河流等 ) 弯曲,蜿蜒; ( 把毛线等 ) 卷起,卷成球; ( 把某物 ) 卷在 ( 某物、人等 ) 上,缠绕;上紧 ( 发条 ) ”。例如:

The river winds through the jungle .

The road winds up the mountain .

Will you wind the wool into a ball?

3 . strong 用作形容词,其名词形式为 strength , 动词形式为 strengthen。例如:

Which do you think is stronger , a lion or a tiger?

He has a very strong will .

They took strong measures at last .

The light is too strong for this room .

This coffee is too strong for me .

He got his strength back slowly after his illness .

She doesn/t have enough strength to walk upstairs .

We want to strengthen our ties with them .

4 . interrupt 意为“阻碍 ( 某人 ) ,打断 ( 某人 ) 的话;使 ( 工作、谈话等 ) 中断, ( 使 ) 终止”。例如:

Don/t interrupt ( me ) while I am working .

I/m sorry to interrupt you , but there/s someone to see you .

A flash interrupted the program .

5 . lack 既可用作名词,意为“欠缺,不足”;也可用作动词,意为“缺少……, ( 对 ) ……不充裕”。例如:

The project failed due to lack of money .

Lack of heat made us cold .

She lacked the experience to get the job .

They are so rich that they lack for nothing .

6 . need 既可用作实义动词,也可用作情态动词,意为“需要”。

①用作实义词时,其后通常跟名词,带 to 的不定式或动词 - ing 形式作宾语。例如:

I need your help .

Here are some exercises that need to be done after class .

Your telephone needs repairing ( = to be repaired ) .


“Need you go now?”“You , I must . ”

You needn/t come to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do .

7 . announce 用作动词,意为“发表……,宣布……,告知”,其名词形式为 announcement。

The government announced its new economic policies .

The news was announced to the public on TV .

Please announce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow .

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