Unit 2 English around the world (Book 1 A)


I. Key points

1.       Words and expressions:flight,make oneself at home,address,ketchup,majority,in total,mother tongue,situation,equal,global,knowledge,communicate,on the radio,directly trade,come about,

Independent,stay the same,end up with,more or less,bring in,a great many,except for,closet,


2.       Patterns:(1)An equal number of people learn English as a second language.

          (2)People from the two countries don’t have any difficulty in understanding each other.

          (3)Mother told me not to leave the door open after midnight.

          (4)Most of the native speakers of English are found in……

3.       Grammar:Direct speech and indirect speech;requests and orders or commands.

4.       Goals:(1)Learn about differences between American English and British English.

        (2)Learn about communication skills.

        (3)Write a passage comparing Amecican English and British English.

II. Teaching plans:seven periods

1.       Period one:Warming up,listening,speaking,G1-YY-030926-1

Step1(close books)ask the students to listen to the dialogue and answer two questions.

What is the relationship between the two.

What are they talk about.

Step2 read the dialogue and answer another two questions.

What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom?

Why can’t he find it?

This is the best to deal with some language points.

1.       For the first time第一次,初次(介词短语作状语,后不接从句)

The first time(第一次…时,后可接从句)

ThisIt is the first time(后接that引导的定语从句,

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