一、    电子教案:                                     题目:Unit 5 Silver Screen    

科目:英语                                          授课老师:冯珍妮

授课班级:高 一(七)、(九)                          课时数:6(+1测验)

教案相对应授课日期:2003年10 月25号――11月1号   日期:10月24号



Teaching Plan for Unit 5

高一年级  冯珍妮

1 .Teaching goals and Learning goals:

Language skills: ①Talk about films, famous actors and directors                    ② Practise making comments and giving opinions                    ③Learn to write about a film Language knowledge: ①Vocabulary: silver screen, drama, play role, actress get married, grow up, degree, in the beginning, make money, live with sb. , stepfather, director, make sb. famous, short film, script studio, career, take off, blockbuster, creature, outer space, make friends with, adult, cut…into pieces, dinosaurs, go wrong, follow-up, cruelty, win over, owe…to…, moving, stay away, take… place, run after, escape, lock, afford, fail, on air, together with, not just…but also ②Patterns:

*She went to New York, where she started working as an actress. *She won her first Oscar as Best Actress. *This film quickly made him famous. *This was a film in which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys. *Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark. *He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. *The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low. ③grammar

*关系副词when, where, why引导的定语从句。 关系副词when, where, why引导定语从句,在从句中分别作时间、地点或原因状语。关系副词的意思相当于“介词+which结构”,其用法分类列类如下:




when(=at, in,on,during which)表示时间的名词时间状语where(=in,at which)表示地点的名词地点状语Why(=for which)只有reason原因状语*由介词+关系代词(who, that, which)引导的定语从句。当关系代词whom或which在定词从句中用作介词宾语时,介词可放在whom或which之前,也可放在从句中原来的位置上。即放在从句的动词之后;由不及物动词构成的短语动词一般不可拆开,必须连用,如关系代词省略,则介词必须与从句中的动词连用,不能拆开。关系代词that作介词的宾语时,介词一定不可位于that之前。 ④Useful spoken English *How do you feel about the story? *Steven Spielburg is one of the top directors in the film industry. *Zhang Yimou’s film “Not One Less” tells a simple but moving story. *After high school, Meryl went to study at a famous drama school. *Speed quickly made Keanu Reeves famous. 2 .Teaching plan in sequence:

Hour One    warming up, listening and speaking (Homework: preview “reading”     Hour Two    Reading (Homework: Recite Par 1―2)     Hour Three  Reading (Homework: p110―111,grammer,p182)     Hour Four   Language study (Homework: P112(3)     Hour Five   Integrating skills (Homework: P112―113 integrating skills)     Hour Six    Work book, listening, talking, writing (Homework: Write about a film)     Hour Seven  Test Hour One

Step One  Warming up (12 minutes) Step Two  Listening   (13minutes) Step Three Speaking   (15 minutes) Warming up Questions by teachers: (1)What can you see in Picture One? (On the beach, a girl and a strange man are carrying some pieces of wood, The man looks half human and half alien) (2)Do you know which movie is picture two from ? What is happening? (It’s from the movie called Jurassic. The dinosaur has escaped from its cage and is hunting for food. The men were scared greatly …) (3)Have you seen the movie produced by Disney company? Can you say something about Mulan?) (The story is from a Chinese historical story. Mulan is a daughter of a general. She goes to fight the enemy instead of her father. She has to pretend to be a male soldier since women are forbidden to join the army.) (4)Can you recognize the pretty actress? (Zhang Manyu is a well-known Hong Kong actress. “Hero” is directed by Zhang Yimou. It  succeeds both in commerce and in movie art) Listening:Play the tape, play again when it is needed. Help students understand the following expressions. (1)interview    (2)leading part     (3)studio        (4)Melbourne (5)How did that come about?          (6)Dream Machine Ask Ss individually to fill in the blanks. Teachers can go to P102 of the teacher’s book for help Speaking:Play the tape. Ask Ss to read by themselves Ask Ss do role play in small groups: They can use the expressions in the box on Page 30. if time permits, ask some of them to demonstrate Homework: vocabulary  p 110―p 111 Hour Two

Step One : Check the homework in class orally Step Two: Pre-reading          Questions by teachers (1)What kind of movie will you make?      (fiction film, fantasy film, animation film, historical film) (2)Which one would you like to become?      An actor/actress,  producer or director? (3)If you are a director what actors/actress will you choose?      (Ask them to use imagination) Step Three: (1)Play the tape and Ss books closed (2)Ss read the material freely (3)Ss look for the general information for each paragraph with the help of the teacher The general idea for each paragraph:

Paragraph 1: yearsEvents1946Spielberg was born in a small town1958He made his first real film with real actors 1959He won a prize for a short film1962He made film called Fire lightParagraph 2: He couldn’t go to the film Academy because of his low grades. He finally got a job which won him the youngest director in th

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