1、Understand the new words:athlete,cheetah,cyclist,concorde,
the fastest car,the fastest train。
2、Read and guess your answers。(I think the correct answer is a/b/c,I don’t think so,I think it‘s  a/c/a),Listen and find out who is right。
 Listen and find out who is right。
Talk in class。(I think the correct answer is a/b/c,
I don‘t  think so,I think it‘s  a/c/a)
Things: cards,CAI,Recorder,Tape。
Step1:Warm up
T:Now ,let‘s  warm up。Sing a song :School party。
(CAI P1)
T:In this class,let‘s  go on to learn about time。
Step2:Read and guess your answers。
1、Read the words。
A、(CAI P2)athlete
T:He is an athlete。He is running。He is a top athlete。
  Who is your favourite athlete?
Ss:Liu Xiang,Yao Ming,…….(CAI)
Read after me :athlete, athlete, athlete, athlete
T:It‘s  a cheetah。The cheetah is the fastest animal on land。
Read the word(CAI)
T:How do you go to school this morning?
S:I go to school on foot。But the others go to school by bike。
Read the word(CAI)
D、the fastest car,the fastest train,concorde。
T:How do you go to Shanghai?How do you go to Beijing?
S:I go there by plane,I go there by train。
T;You can go there by ship/car/plane。
Look at the picture:Read the words:the fastest car,the fastest train,concorde 。
Step3:1、Guess the next one。(CAI)猜对的给小组加分。
       2、Find out your picture。
Step4:T:Do you know?In one minute,How many metres can a top athlete run?
Read after me:metre,米,1 metre,2metres,200metres。
Kilometer,千米,1 kilometre,2 kilometres,8 kilometres。
(CAI)P9  T:Which is the correct answer?
You can choose one。You can say:I think the correct answer is a/b/c。
Read after me,(I think the correct answer is a/b/c。)
If you don‘t  agree,You can say:I don’t  think so,I think it‘s b/a/c。
Read after me,( I don‘t  think so,I think it‘s  b/a/c。)
T:Now  ,In groups,Open your books at page 43。
Choose one,everybody。Then write down the answers on your papers。
Step4:Now,Let‘s  match。please,listen to the question。
NO。1,T:In one minute,a top athlete can run about
A.。。。。   B。。。  C。。。。
T:Group1,Which is the correct answer?
S:I think the correct answer is 。。。。。。
Group2:I don‘t  think so,I think it‘s 。。。。。
Now,Let‘s  have a look。(CAI)(哪组对了就加分)
Say all together:1、In one minute。。。。。。
6、In one minute。。。。。。
Step5:How about you?In one minute。
Let‘s  play games:1、How many English words can you write?
S1:I can write----English words in one minute。
S2:I can write----English words in one minute。
T:How many animals can you draw?
In one minute。
Ready go。
S1:I can draw----animals in one minute。
S2:I can draw----animals in one minute。
S3:I can。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Step6:The end (CAI)
T:In one minute,We can do some things。
So we must know the value of time。
I think the correct answer is a/b/c。
I don’t think so ,I think it’s b/a/c。


Time  课后反思

这是《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期Unit5Time中的第3、4、5节内容,这节课的目标是1、懂得6个新单词,2、读和猜正确的答案,(懂得问题的句子的意思,会用句子表达自己的意思:I think the correct answer is a/b/c,I don’t think so,I think it’s b/c/a,本节课的重点是找出正确的答案,难点是和同学交流,用句子表达( think the correct answer is a/b/c,I don’t think so,I think it’s b/c/a),在本节课自己做了多媒体课件,使课堂更加生动。
课的开始以学生唱很有气氛也和本节课内容的气氛一致的歌曲“school party”,然后出示课件进入本节课的单词的学习与复习,在出示单词的同时渗透下面题目的句子,以便他们能明白句子的意思,复习了单词的读法后,通过几个游戏巩固和调动兴趣,一个游戏是多媒体展示猜下一张是什么单词,另一个是藏单词卡片找一找。接着进入本节课的难点内容,猜猜每题的正确答案,一分钟里,最快的运动员、猎豹、最快的自行车、超音速客机、最快的小汽车赛车、最快的火车,他们分别能有多远,先教学生怎么表达,带读I think the correct answer is a/b/c,表示不同意别人的意见就说:I don’t think so,I think it’s b/c/a,让学生在小组长的带领下说自己的意见,由小组长综合大家的意见,再进行小组汇报派代表发表意见,选择正确的答案,猜对的加一分,各组发表看法后,看课件,猜对的有掌声和跳舞的星星,猜错了的有鼓声,然后根据正确答案把句子完整的说一遍,他们在一分钟里能有多远。再最后5分钟做了2个游戏,同学们在一分钟里能写多少个单词、一分钟里能画多少个动物,再用上节课学的句子表达,I can write----English words in one minute, I can drow----animals in one minute,刚好铃声响起,在课件里展示一分钟我们可以做很多事,因此我们要珍惜时间(We can do some things,so we must know the value of time)。.

英语教案-《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time一文由备课库www.beikeku.com搜集整理,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处!

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原文地址:英语教案-《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
