步骤1  复习


How cold it is today!

What a fine day! Will it last long?

I think it’ll get better soon.

The radio says the snow will… I have to stay…

The temperature will stay above/below/will be…to…

I’m afraid…

I think the weather will be much better/worse/drier/…

步骤2   教学过程

1 语法 :一般将来时


I/You/He/…will go.

I/You/He/…won’t go.

shall I/we go? Will you/he/she…go?


How heavy it rains!

What a cold day!

步骤3   【基础知识精讲】

1.Its very cold

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原文地址:第三册Unit 12 What is the weather like?-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
