Review of Unit 5

Step1 Warming-up

Sing and do the actions.(If you are happy…)

Step2 Revision

 Revise some new words in Unit 5 using some sentences and phrases. Show one sentence to the class and ask them to translate it into Chinese. And then ask them to say a Chinese sentence like this.

Say, If you know , you can stand up directly and give me the answer. If you can answer the most questions, you will be the winner.

Step3 Practice

 This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Show some pictures and get the students to work in pairs. One student asks and the other describes what the person in each picture did using the target language (What did he/she/they do over the weekend? He/She/They ... ) as an example. Say, Remember to put the verbs in the past tense. After finishing this, Say, You did a good job. Now do you find out the rule of the past forms? Would you like to have a try? OK, lets have a try!

Step 4 Practice

 Let them fill in the chart and ask them to have a summary. Pay attention to the differences and similarities and then review irregular past forms. Show some verbs and then let them tell me the past forms and the past participle  according to the form of AAA/ABC / ABB. Say, read-read-read. Can you do it like this? The students finish the others. Then ask them to have a summary in each form.

Step 5 Exercises

Divide the students into four to do the activity.

Say ,There are four exercises and which one would you like to choose? I will give you two minutes to prepare in each team. If your team cant answer and the other team can help you. This team will lose one sticker. And the other team will get one sticker. Now lets begin. Team One, which one would you like to choose? And Team Two? And Team Three? What about you, Team Four?

If Team One choose Exercise Three, say, Team One, do you want to be a teacher? Imagine you are a good teacher, can you give us any questions about the three sentences? If you can give us the most questions, you will be the best teacher. A volunteer stands in front of the class and asks some students( including the students from the other teams) to answer his questions. (1 请把这个句子变成一般疑问句 2 把这个句子变成否定句 3 划线提问last night...)Any other volunteers take turns to do like this. Then choose the best one and say congratulations to him/her.  The students who give the right answer can get a sticker.

If Team Two choose Exercise One, say, Please finish the exercise as soon as possible. If you finish , please hands up.

If Team Three choose Exercise Two, Say, Please finish the exercise ASSP, if you finish , put up your hands.  Pay attention to the differences between the past tense and the present tense.

If Team Four choose Exercise Three, say, first guess what he /she did and then go to interview your classmates ,please. This activity provides writing and oral practise using the target language. ( What did you do over the weekend? I went to a movie ...)

Say ,How many stickers do you get? Choose the winners.

 Step 6 Task

Say, Ask some of your classmates about their weekend activities. Try to find out who had a great weekend. This activity will use the target language.

1 How was your weekend?

              2 It was great/good/ok.

              3 What did you do over the weekend?

              4 I read a book/cleaned my room/went shopping/played basketball....

Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class. Finally we will choose the student who had a great weekend.

Step 7 Task

Say, We have different weekends and weekdays. Sometimes its great. Sometimes its terrible. Now choose one of your weekdays and weekends and tell us your story. Show two reports to the students. The students can write their stories according to the two reports. Then ask some students to read to the class.

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