
Two periods for this lesson

Teaching Materials

  Words: harm, rubbish, collect, whenever, produce, wherever, neighbourhood, litter, onto, public, spit, protect, tidy, dustbin, recycle, contribution

  Phrases: cut down, make a contribution to…, harm the environment, keep…clean and tidy, throw…onto…, in a public place

  Sentences: There was a truck collecting rubbish.

           It’s a pleasant way to keep our city clean.

           Taking care of our environment is very important.

           Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?

Teaching Objectives

  1. Try to understand the whole lesson and finished Ex. 1 in the workbook.
  2. Read it fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.
  3. Master the following materials as 4skills

Word: harm, rubbish, collect, whenever, produce, wherever, neighbourhood, litter, onto, public, spit, protect, tidy, dustbin, recycle,

Phrases: cut down, harm the environment, keep…clean and tidy, throw…onto…, in a public place

Sentences: There was a truck collecting rubbish.

               It’s a pleasant way to keep our city clean.

               Taking care of our environment is very important.

         Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?

  1. Master the following materials as 2 skills:

Word: contribution

Phrase: make a contribution to…

Teaching Points:

1.      The main points: (1) & (2) in the teaching objectives

2.      The difficult points: A. rubbish 不可数名词

B. whenever = no matter when

  Wherever= no matter where

C. litter sth. on the ground= litter the ground

  =throw sth. about on the ground

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原文地址:Junior English for China Book 3 Lesson 10-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
