Lesson 10


Make the students know:

1 The process of the growth of plant.

2 What should they do to help the plant growing.

The students should be able to:

1 Know and remember how does a plant grow.

2 Write something about plants and the growth of a plant .

词汇:plant (v.) grow seed pot write soil water poster bud sunshine

句型:No, thank you .

Would you like some ……?

Yes , please .


1 向学生问候,复习前面学过的关于天气、学习等常用语句;复习上一节课的关于植物组成部分的学习内容。

2 说明本课内容:植物的播种和生长,展示植物构造挂图或板书。


4 带领学生朗读单词与课文。

5 通过对话练习来巩固本课内容。

6 请同学描述植物的播种和生长过程,或者到前面来板书。

7 指导学生阅读“读物”,做“活动手册”上的练习题。

8 布置作业:背诵和抄写生词,熟读课文,用所学单词和句型描述植物的播种和生长过程,完成练习题。

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原文地址:七年级英语 Lesson 10-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
