
Lesson 66教学设计方案


Do dictation of the key 3 paragraphs or do a cloze based on the text

StepII:Fast reading

 1. Annie entered an institution to learn braille ___.

  A. in 1866            B. in 1876      C. in 1880       D. in 1872

 2. Which of the following is TRUE about braille?

  A. It was Annie who invented braille.

  B. It is a special writing system for both the blind and the deaf.

  C. Blind people can read by touching raised points on paper.

  D. Annie helped to develop the writing system.

3. Why did Annie decide to go to stay with Helen?

  A. Because she needed a highly paid job.

  B. Because she was deaf-blind herself and sympathized with Helen.

  C. Because it was the very job she had expected.

  D. Because she was deeply moved by the letter from Helen’s dad.

4. Annie did NOT help Helen Keller to _________.

  A. understand words    B. read books printed in braille

  C. learn how to speak   D. develop the writing system of braille

5. Which is TRUE about the period when Annie worked as Helen’s teacher?

  A. The disabled were all well educated.

  B. A good many books were printed in braille.

  C. Few people realized the hidden strength in blind people.

  D. Many deaf-blind children had the chance of being taught to speak like normal people.

6. Annie would praise Helen when she _____.

  A. decided to go to college

  B. had a very difficult time

  C. understood the meaning of words

  D. did things as well as a normal person

Keys: 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D

StepIII:Language points:


Paragraph2:This is a kind of ______that blind people can read by _________groups of _______points that are printed on paper. Later, an operation helped her to get ______part of her_______, but she _________at the institution for six years______.

Keys: printing, touching, raised,back, sight,remained, more

Paragraph3:One day a letter from my father _______at the school, _________for a teacher for me. Annie _________this was just the kind of ___________job she wanted.

Keys: arrived, asking, considered, demanding

Paragraph4:Annie was among the first to ________that blind people never know their hidden ________until they are ________like ________human beings. She never ______me; she never praised me _______what I did was as good as that of the best of a ________person.

Keys:realize, strength, treated, normal, pitied, unless, normal.

Paragrph6:My speech was __________and not _________to hear.But I was _______to be able to say words that my family and a few friends could understand. To Annie I ____thanks for this priceless ______of speech. It has helped me to serve others.

Keys: ill-formed, pleasant, delighted, owe, gift.

B:Sentence structure:

1.Two years later, her father disappeared, never to be heard from again.

  They started out to cross the Sahara in a saloon car, and had not been ______ since.

  A.heard from  B.heard of  答案:B

2.To Annie I owe thanks for this pricelss gift of speech.It has helped me to serve others.

# We ________ the discovery of the prismatic (折射) spectrum (光谱) _______ Sir Isaac Newton.

  A. devote; to  B. thank; for

  C. owe; to    D. know; about     (答案:C)

3.       She had believed in me. I must always keep on trying to do my best.

C:the-ing form:

  1.One day a letter from my father arried at the school,______ a teacher for me.( asking)

  2.Annie considered this was just the kind of _______job she wanted.( demanding)

  3.This is a kind of ________that blind people can read by________ groups of _______points that are printed on paper. (printing, touching, raised)

  4.There she studied the ________of deaf-blind children.( teaching)

  5.______ both my hands on her face when she spoke, she let me feel all the movements of her lips and throat.( Putting)

  6.She had believed in me.I must always keep on ________to do my best.( trying)

StepIV: Cloze:

Read the article first, and then choose the right answer for each blank.

  Helen had no way of knowing that this day, March 3, 1887, would be the most important one in her whole life.

  Six months had passed (1) _______ the evening when she had pushed her baby sister off her bed. As he had promised, her father had written to the head of the institution for the blind. And today Miss Anne Sullivan, only twenty years old and just (2) _______ of school, was arriving from Boston to (3) _______ with the Kellers and be Helen’s teacher. (4) _______ course Helen knew nothing about (5) _______ expected arrival. But she had sensed for several days that (6) _______ unusual was going on.

  For one thing, she had (7) _______ that one of the rooms upstairs, usually kept closed and smelling musty (发霉的), had been (8) _______ and aired.

  Martha Washington’s mother had (9) _______ in there, too, with a broom and dustcloth. And this morning the bed had been (10) _______ with clean sheets. Fresh towels (毛巾) smelling sweet had been (11) _______ on the rack (架子).

  In the (12) _______ Martha’s mother was busy (13) _______ extra cooking. (14)_______baked a cake and let Helen lick (舔) the pan. (15) _______ even this treat failed to bring much (16) _____to an anxious, unhappy little girl.

  Round and round inside her ( 17) _______ raced the questions she could not put into words.

  “Something’s going to (18) _______ . But what? Why can’t I know? Why? Why?”

And because she could get no answers, she was restless and angry and badly behaved (表现不好).

  1 A since   B after  C before   D from

  2 A outside  B out  C inside  D away

  3 A play  B study  C live  D keep

  4 A On  B At  C For  D Of

  5 A Miss Anne B Miss Anne’s C Miss Sullivan  D Miss Sullivan’s

  6 A something  B anything  C nothing  D everything

  7 A promised   B agreed  C noticed  D said

  8 A locked  B opened  C moved  D sold

  9 A gone  B come   C been  D got

  10 A made up   B made of  C made from  D made in

  11 A broken  B washed  C used  D placed

  12 A bedroom   B garden  C kitchen    D living room

  13 A with  B on   C about   D for

  14 A He  B She  C They  D We

  15 A Because   B Although  C Whatever  D But

  16 A food  B fortune   C money  D pleasure

  17 A hands  B head  C eyes  D mouth

  18 A happen  B rise   C take  D produce

Keys: 1-5:ABCDD      6-10:ACBDA    11-15: DCABD   16-18:DBA

StepVI: Recite the key paragraphs and do dictation the next day.





  I.Listening text:Listen to the tape 2-3 times and finish filling the blanks. It’s a good way to fix the Ss’s attention on listening.

A new kind of school
A journalist talks to the Head Teacher of a new kind of school.

  (J = Journalist; HT = HeadTeacher)

J:   In what way is your school different from other schools?

HT: Our school is for all children. A few of the children are physically disabled, and some of the others have learning difficulties. We have fast learners and slower learne

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原文地址:My teacher (二)-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
