Lesson 46 教学设计示例(二)

Step1:Revision: revise the key words in the dialogue by filling blanks.

a.I suggest you take a tent.

 I can lend you one and a few pieces of equipment.

 It’s much cheaper to camp than to stay in a hotel.

b.Why not take a friend with you?

 Then you can share the cost of the gas and the car.

 I’d come too if I had time to spare.

Step 2 Lead in:

Show 4 animal pictures and ask them what they are doing.


Watch and answer(I):watch the vedio once and answer T. or F. questions.

  1.All the birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold.(F)

  2.Animals hibernate only in the earth.(F)

  3.Cold-blooded animals need to hibernate.(T)

  4. A hibernating animal does not breathe and cannot feel any pain. (F)

Watch and answer(II)

Reading comprehension:

1.The text mainly tells us that ____C____.
  A .hibernation is more than sleep
  B. warm-blooded animals will do things different from cold-blooded animals in winter
  C. some animals live through the winter by   hibernation or half-hibernation
  D. animals use different ways to protect themselves against the cold.

2. Which sentence carries the main idea of the second paragraph?____A_____.

  A. Sentence 1.  B. Sentence 2.

  C. Sentence 3.  D. Sentence 4.   

3.Why do frogs go to sleep under the mud in winter?___D___

  A.Because they can escape from their enemies under the mud and the air there will keep the cold out.

  B.Because the air under the mud will keep the cold out and it is comfortable there.

  C.Because they feel comfortable there and they can get food easily.

  D.Because they have enough to eat there .      

4. We human beings are able to keep the cold out because ___A_____

  A.we are warm-blooded.

  B.we are clever enough to build houses and to wear clothes.

  C.we are cold-blooded, and we do not need to hibernate.

  D.for human beings, hibernation will use more energy.   
Listen and fill in blanks

   They go to sleep in all kinds of places. Red squirrels disappear _____trees, bears use caves, frogs go_____under the mud, and many other animals____ holes in the earth .A____ many animals sleep under the snow. There is a lot of air in_____ snow, and this helps to keep the cold____.

  Hibernation is more than sleep. It is a very _______sleep.the animal’s temperature ______to just_____ zero centigrade, and its heart______ very slowly.People who find hibernating animals______ often think that they are dead; the body _______very cold, and the animal may _______only once every five minutes. A hibernating animal cannot feel any_____. You can touch it , or even _____its tail, without________ it to move or wake up.

  Hibernating in that way, the animal can sleep all through the winter. You might________ how  it________ to live without eating for so many months . The answer____ in two facts. The first is that it has _____supplies of____ in its body during the summer and autumn. The second is connected with the main use the body makes of food­---- to _______the energy for movement. We have seen that the hibernating animal reduces movement to ____below the _______level. Even the movements of the heart and lungs are _______reduced.The animal _______makes any movement,hardly uses any________, and hardly needs any food.

Step4. Recite the sentences and do the exercises as well.

1.A:What about places to stay?

B:I suggest you take a tent. I can lend you one and a few pieces of equipment. It’s much cheaper to camp than to stay in a hotel.

We made the suggestion that he _B___ his work.

  A. continues  B. continue  

  C. continued  D. had continued

2.A:That sounds like a good idea. I have a few friends I could ring to see if they’re free.

 B: I say, shall we go downtown this evening? We could have a walk around .Let’s go out  atabout six o’clock, shall we?

Its a fine day. Lets go fishing,__D___?

  A.won’t we  B. doesn’t she   C. don’t we  D. shall we

3.Hibernation is more than sleep.

“China Daily” is ___C____ a newspaper.

It helps greatly to improve our English.

  A.no more than  B. not more than  

  C.more than  D. not less than

4.You might wonder how it manages to live without eating for so many months.The answer lies in two facts.

The real danger _____ in the fact ___D___ you don’t understand yourself.

  A.lies…which  B. lays…that  C. lies…/  D. lies…that

5. Some warm-blooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate; they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature even in very cold winter weather.

It is wise to have some money _A___ for old age.

  A.put away  B. kept up  C .given away  D .lay up


1.Most animals have little connection with _B__ animals _____ different kind unless they kill them for food.

  A. the; a  B. 不填; a  C. the; the  D. 不填; the

2.__C_____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year .

   A. As  B. For  C. With  D. Through

3.------- How are you today ?

 ------- Oh, I __D____ as ill as I do now for a very long time .

   A.didn’t feel  B. wasn’t feeling  

   C. don’t feel  D. haven’t felt

4.The WTO cannot live up to its name __C___ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.

  A . as long as  B. while  C. if  D. even though


  Write a summary of the test.

  Finish Exs1of page70.

  Finish Exs2 of page72.

  Finish Exs2 of page192





1.Most animals have little connection with _______ animals _____ different kind unless they kill them for food.

  A. the; a  B. 不填; a  C. the; the  D. 不填; the

  答案:B  通过率:26%


2._______ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year .

  A. As  B. For  C. With  D. Through

  答案:C  通过率:42%

  试题分析:本题测试的是介词在日常生活情景中的使用能力。此题最大的难点在于:A.As            B.For  C.With  D.Through少四个选项,就个体词义而言,都表示“原因”,但是在此题的具体情景中,只有C.With无论在句型上(with + 名词noun + 介词prep./或形容词adj. )还是内容上(具有“伴随时间接原因”的含义)都是最佳选项。这个句子可以翻译成:“随着生产量的提高,到达60%,该公司又经历了一个业绩大好的年头。”

3.I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ______ in my new job.

  A. expected  B. to expect  C. to be expecting  D. expects

  答案:B  通过率:34%


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原文地址:Unit 12 Mainly Revision(二)-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
