-------The Merchant of Venice

Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Oragainzing

  Greetings and make a duty report.

Step II. Introduction:

  Find out how much the students know about the writer William Shakespeare and ask some questions like this:

  What do you know about Shakespeare?   What is his nationality?

  When was he born and when did he die? 

  Do you know the titles of any of his plays? Suggested answers:

  1 The King Henry VI     亨利六世

  2  The Comedy of Errors  错中错

  3 The Taming of the Shrew    驯悍妇

  4  Romeo and Juliet      罗密欧与朱丽叶

  5 A Midsummer Night’s Dream    仲夏夜之梦

  6 The Merchant of Venice  威尼斯商人

  7 As You Like It  如愿

  8  Twelfth Night(What You Will)   第十二夜

  9 Hamlet   哈姆莱特  10 All’s Well ends Well       皆大欢喜

  11 Measure for measure 恶有恶报  12 Othello 奥塞罗

  13 King Lear    李尔王  14 Macbeth      麦克白

  15 The Winter’s Tale  冬天的故事  16 The Tempest 暴风雨

Write the key words and phrases raised by the Ss during the discussion on the Bb.

Step III. Presentation

  Ask questions about the picture, and get the students to tell you what they think is happening.

Step IV. Reading comprehension.

Ask students to read the introduction silently and find out the answers to followimg questions.

1.The text mainly talks about_______________.

  A.Antonio’s charities(善行)and Shylock’s cruelty

  B.Portia’s cleverness and Antonio’s charities

  C.Shylock’s cruelty and Portia’s cleverness

  D.The three colorful characters of Antonio, Portia and Shylock

2.Antonio did business with _______________.

  A. people in Venice   B. people in Italy

  C. People in other countries    D. people in the world

3.Antonio was a(n) ________________ person.

  A. warm-hearted   B. strong-willed

  C. open-minded    D. hot-tempered

4.What kind of person was Shylock? He was ___________.

  A. greedy and hypocritical   B. hypocritical(虚伪) and cruel

  C. cruel and lazy      D. greedy and cruel

5.What did the Duke mean by saying “Don’t be so bitter”?

He wanted Shylock to be _________________.

  A. warm-hearted   B. calm

  C. kind-hearted    D. reasonable

6.In writing style, this text is a _____________.

  A. drama   B. story   C. fable   D. fairy tale

7.The word “scold” in the text means to ______________.

  A. fool with  B. laugh at  C. criticize  D. quarrel with

8.It seems that the Duke at the court supported ___________.

  A. Portia    B. Antonio    C. Shylock   D. none of them

9.That Portia was able to defend Antonio was due to _________.

  A. her cleverness   B. her husband’s support

  C. her husband’s help

  D. her cleverness and her husband’s support

10.Which happened last in Part 2?

  A.Shylock insisted on having one pound of Antonio’s flesh.

  B.Portia declared that the law allowed Shylock to take Antonio’s flesh.

  C.Antonio said his last words to Bassanio.

  D.Portia warned Bassanio of the impossibility of changing the law.

  Allow the students enough time to read the play and find the answers. Get them to check their answers in pairs, then check the answers with the class.

Answers:1C .2. C 3. A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B

StepV.language points:


  Have mercy on Antonio,Shylock.Do not be so bitter.(Line1 of page62)

  One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the othe r half shall be given to the peson he hs tried to kill.His life shall be at he mercy of the Duke.Therefore, go down on you knees and beg the duke for mercy.(page64)


例如: bitter pills 苦药片; bitter memories辛酸的记忆; bitter winter严寒的冬天;

  bitter argument激烈的争论。

  2.desire:page 62,Line11

  Let us be calm,gentlemen. Shylck, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?

  I havedone nothing wrong and I fear no judg3ment. I desire my pound of flesh.

  desire可以用作名词,也可以当及物动词用, 作及物动词时,它后面可以接名词、不定式、从句等等。例如: Of course, they all desire happiness and health. 当然他们都渴望幸福与健康。

  We desire to see the result.  我们希望看到结果。

  I desire that you should come on time.  我希望你准时到。

  3.seat: page62, part2,Line 1

  D:Greetings, learned judge! I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.

  P:Greetings! Please be seated. Are you Antonio, and is this your agreenent with Shylock?

  be seated

  [说明] seat是及物动词,主语是地或地方,人作宾语,因此人作主语,常用 be seated结构; seat还可以作名词用,意思是 “座位”;要分清seat与 sit, 后者是不及物动词,人作主语,地点作状语。

例如:Please be seated.  请坐。

  He sat there, looking very calm. 他坐在那儿,看起来很平静。

  4.upon: page62,page64

  P:Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the shy upon the earth.It blesses those who give it,and those who receive it.We should learn toshow mercy to others.Do you still sdk for this pound of flesh?


  take my life too! My money andgoods are as dear to me as life itself.They are my only comfort.When you take those away from me, you also take my life.


例如: The sudden thought greatly comforted her.  这个突然的想法,极大地安慰了她。

  She lives there in comfort.  她舒适地生活在那里。


1.They were so excited that they had ____ to sleep.

  A. much desire  B. little desire

  C. many thoughts  D. few moments

2. As he opened the door, he saw ____ young a boy ____ in a wheelchair some 20 feet away.

  A. so, seat  B. so, seated

  C. such, sitting   D. such, sat

3.The teacher ____ him and made a promise to help him.

  A. desired  B. greeted  C. punished  D. comforted

4.They talked about the leading role the headmaster ____ in the event.

  A. finished  B. did  C. played   D. prepared

5.The two brothers quarreled whenever they met as if they were ____ enemies.

  A. bitter  B. merciful  C. greedy  D. troublesome

参考答案:1. B  (根据句意so excited ,他们是不想睡觉, 肯定形式是不对的, few moments 表示时间多少,与他们的心情无关,也不对。)  2. B (第一个空紧接一个形容词,只能用so,第2个空是修饰名词boy的,只能用seated形式。)   3. D (根据句意只能选 “安慰”。) 4.C  (名词role在前面,后面出现的是定语从句,修饰此名词,played与它搭配构成词组,是“起主要作用”的意思。)  5.A  (根据句子意思,应该选bitter, bitter enemy是 “死敌” 的意思。)


   (1)It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.  试图跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。

   (2)If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.


   (3)He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.



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原文地址:unin11 The merchant of Venice Lesson42―43-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
