
Teaching aims

Teaching important and difficult points
  notice, settle, differently, deal, race, skin, tool, tap, eastern, official, settler, struggle, freeze average, natural, exploit, ordinary, refer, tent, basic
  generally speaking, all the year round, a great deal of, clear up, official language, refer to, settle in, be famous for, make use of, from time to time, struggle against, below freezing
  3. Useful expressions
  1. I thought you were from the States.
  2. A lot of people can’t tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent.
  3. What do you mean by…?
  4. American spellings are used more and more in Canadian now.
  5. That sounds strange.





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Same as China

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Different from China

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Large land

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Canada has 2 official languages

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Weather is different from area to area,

long and hard, winters in the north

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Six time areas

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Many lakes

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Smaller population

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Much coal, oil and gas

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No places as hot as south China

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More fresh water

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A lot of forests



1.be famous for的讲解

  以……著名[其同义词组为be (well)known for

  Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery. 杭州以优美的风景而闻名。

  be famous for 与be famous as的区别

1)      当主语是表示人的名词

  be famous for表示“以某种知识技能、作品或特征而出名”

  be famous as则表示“以某种身份而出名”

  Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论而出名。

  Einstein was famous as a great scientist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家而著称。

2) 当主语是地点名词

  be famous for表示“以某种特产而出名”

  be famous as则表示“以什么样的产地或地方闻名”

  The area is famous for its green tea.这个地区以绿茶而出名。

  The area is famous as a great tea-producing place.这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。


  be famous for表示“以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知”

  be famous as则表示“以某种形式而出名”

  This grammar book is famous for its practical usage.这本语法书以其实用性而为人所知。

  This book is famous as a reference book.这是一本有用的参考书。

  注意:be famous for后的介词宾语是主语所属内容,而be famous as后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。例如:

  Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 可说成:Einstein was a great scientist.

2.kind, sort和type的区别


  What kind of cake do you like best?你最喜欢哪一种饼?

  sort 可与kind互换使用,但较为含混,有时只表示大概此种而已。Sort有时有轻蔑的意味,相反kind 要庄重得多。

  He makes friends with all sorts of people.他同各种各样的人交朋友。


  Men of his type are not to be trusted.像他那种类型的人不可信赖。

3.As in China, the weather is different from area to area. 同中国的情况一样,加拿大的气候也随着地区的不同而不同。

  本句相当于一个省略的方式状语从句,相当于“As it is in China, …”。as用作连词,后面接从句,意思是“正如;和……一样”。例:

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