科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit10.doc
标题 At the Tailor/s Shop (在裁店缝)
章节 第十单元
关键词 高二英语第十单元
■ 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南
Advice And Suggestions (劝告和建议)
● Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语
1. There seems to be something wrong with it . I can/t possibly wear it . 这好象有点毛病,我不能穿了。
2. I would like you to change this for a new one . 我很想让你把这个给我换个新的。
3. You sold me so old a bike that I can/t use it . I insist that you give me my money back . 你买给了我如此破旧的自行车,我就不能用。我要求你退我款。
4. It/s not our fault . I/m afraid I can/t do that . Why can/t you do something about it ? 这不是我的错,恐怕我作不了主,你能不能灵活点 ?
5. Could you give me some advice on English study ? 我想征求一下关于学习英语的建议。
6. I /d like your advice about / on this plan .
7. What do you think I should do ?
8. You/d better not trouble him . 你最好不要麻烦他。
9. Let/s help him with the luggage .
10. Why not ask him to go with us ?
11. How / What about seeing a film ? 去看电影怎么样 ?
12. I strongly advise you to keep your promise .
13. I/m afraid I can/t follow your advice .
14. That/s impossible , but thank you all the same . 这不可能,但还是要谢谢你的。
15. Why don/t you put off the meeting till next week ? 你为何不把会议推迟到下周 ?
● Model Dialogues 交际示范
A:Hello . You look tired today . What happened ?
B:I went to bed too late . I was reading a novel and forgot the time .
A:Really ? You need a rest tonight .
B:Yes , I think so .
A:You/d better go to bed earlier if you can .
B:Yes , you/re right .
A:I/ve lost my ruler . Have you seen it anywhere ?
B:Sorry , I haven/t . You/d better try your desk .
A:Yes , I did , but I didn/t find it .
B:Why don/t you ask Jim ? He was using a ruler just now .
A:Thanks . I/ll go and ask him .
■ 单元核心句型结构
1. It looks / seems as if … 看起来好象 ……
It looks as if it is going to rain . 看起来天要下雨。
测试要点:as if = as though 后 接虚拟语气。如:
He talks as if he had been there many times . 他谈话的样子好象是他已经去过那里好多次了。
When a pencil is partly in a glass of water , it looks as if it were broken . 当一支铅笔部分放入一杯水中,它看起来就像是断了似的。
2. I insist (that) …
I insist he ( should ) write a letter of thanks to the school . 我坚持认为他应该向学校写个感谢信。
He insisted that he didn/t steal the money . 他坚持说他没有偷那笔钱。
3. I should like / would like sb to do sth 很乐意让某人干……
I should like you go shopping this weekend . 我倒很想让你周末去买东西。
should like /love + to do 与简略回答。如:
- Would you like to go swimming this Sunday ?
- I/d like / love to .
(用 to 代替 go swimming )
should like / love sb to 很想让某人去干 ……
We/d like our teacher to point out and correct our mistakes in our exercises . 我们很想让老师指出并改正我们作业中的错误。
should like / love + to be + done 喜欢被……
Little Jim would like to be taken to Beijing next Christmas .
4. Why don/t you do … ? = Why not do … ? 为何不…… ?
Why don/t you (= Why not ) have a look at the other blouses ? 为何不挑选一下别的衬衫 ?
■ 单元误点警示
单元词组 take place 透射出的隐型被动
在第 38 课中的词组 take place (发生)属/"隐形被动/"范畴 ,不用被动语态的形式。中学英语教材中还有一些不用/"be/get + 过去分词/"的结构,其具体表现形式如下:
◆ 有些词(组)常用主动形式表达被动意义 (break out ,take place ,belong to ,shut off ,turn off ,work out制定 ,add up to , run out 用完 ,give out耗尽 ,等) 如:
The lights on the wall turned off .
The incident took place in Dec.1936 .
◆ 动词不定式作定语,一方面与所修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系, 另一方面又与句子的主 语有逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式常用主动式代表被表式。如:
Do you have any letters to post ? (对比:Manager wang , I/ll go to the post office . Do you have any letters to be posted) ?
◆ 某些表示感觉、状态或特征的连系动词(look, sound, taste, smell, feel, become, appear, prove, turn out等)的主动形式常表被动意义。如:
- Do you like the material ?
- Yes , it ____ very soft . (NMET 94)
A. is feeling B. felt
C. feels D. is felt [ 答案:C ]
His theory proved correct .
Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth .
◆ 有些动词由/"vt/"变成的/"vi/"时, 常用主动形式与方式状语连用表被动意义,这类动词的主语常是物,该类常用动词有:sell , lock , fill , dry , run , open , cut , read, wear , write , translate , wash , shut , blow , digest , begin 等。如:
The door blew open . The book sells well .
This cloth wears long . The story won/t translate well .
The food won/t digest . The suitcase won/t lock easily .
◆ 表/"需要/"的动词 (need , want , require , deserve , bear , demand) 后用动名词的主动形式,或不定式的被动式表被动;在 be worth 后只接动名词的主动形式表被动。如:
- What do you think of the book ?
- Oh , excellent. It/s worth _____ a second time . (MET89)
A. to read B. to the read
C. reading D. being read [答案:C]
Your coat demands (requires , needs , wants) washing . (washing = to be washed)
He certainly deserves sending (= to be sent) to prison .
This telephone directory is well worth buying .
◆ 一些介词加上具有动作意义的名词,常可表被动意义。如:
Several new railways are under _____ (建议 ) in China . (NMET96) [ 答案:construction]
常考的此类介词短语有:on show=on exhibition , on sale , on fire , out of sight , in sight , under discussion , in the charge of , in the possession of , without help , without permission , under arrest , under repair , under consideration , under development 等。
◆ 有些以-able ,-ible 结尾的形容词 ( visible 可见的, invisible 无形的,breakable 的, drinkable 可饮用的 readable 可读的, acceptable 可接受的,respectable可尊敬的,countable 可数的,sensible可觉察的,等) 如:
The water in this well is drinkable(=fit to drink) . (19) Many things are invisible to us .
◆ 由过去分词转化而来的形容词 (pleased , interested , satisfied , frightened , worried, dressed , surprised , wounded , broken) 仍含有被动意义。如:
The girls are always dressed well .
The boy cried , with a glass broken .
◆ 使役动词 have/get+宾语+过去分词 ,表示该分词的动作由别人来完成。如:
-Good morning. Can I help you ?
-I/d like to have this package ____ , Madame . (MET89)
A. be weighed B. to be weighed
C. to weigh D. weighed [答案:D]
I/ll get my hair cut on Sunday .
◆ 有些名词以 -ee 结尾含被动意义 (以-er , -or 结尾却含主动意义) 。如:
trainee受训者(trainer训练员),employe(e)雇员(employor雇主),addressee收件人 (addresser, addressor发件人) ,rejectee被弃者 (rejecter抛弃者) 等。
◆ 当不定式在作表语(或宾补)的形容词(heavy , light , interesting , pleasant , simple, comfortable, dangerous , strong , big , small , sweet , smooth , nice , fit , important , impossible , necessary , good , easy, hard , difficult 等) 后面作状语, 且不定式与句中主语 (或宾语)在逻辑上有动宾关系时,常用主动形式表被动含义。如:
The chair looks rather hard , but in fact, it is very comfortable to _____ . (MET88)
A. sit B. sit on
C. be sat D. be sat on [答案:B]
They found the article hard to understand .

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原文地址:高二英语第十单元At the Tailor/s Shop (在裁店缝)-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
