科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit18.1.doc
标题 Mainly Revision ( 阶段复习 )
章节 第十八单元
关键词 高二英语第十八单元
在本单元,同学们通过阅读课文“We’ve Lost Our Dad !”和“Tell Him What you think of him !”,可以培养自己独立生活的能力和诚实的品德,克服粗心大意的毛病,同时还可以了解英语的幽默感。
四会单词和词组:fly ( n .) , in order that , shout at , get in touch with , in common , turn up , rude , on one’s own , by accident , cigar , announcement , truth , book (v .) , charge , stupid , permit , prison , couple , district
三会单词和词组:waiter , lay the table , track , extremely , determine , carriage , absence , rush hour , brake , cyclist
Ⅱ. 交际英语
Expressing Feelings ( 表达感情 )
Some useful expressions:
A . Expressing anxiety
1 . What/s wrong ? / What/s the matter ( with you ) ? / Is there anything the matter ?
2 . Oh , what shall I / we do ?
3 . We were all anxious about…
B . Expressing surprise
1 . Really ? / Oh dear ? / Is that so ? / Good heavens !
2 . I can hardly believe my ears .
3 . My Goodness ! / Goodness !
C . Expressing pleasure
1 . I/m glad / pleased / happy to…
2 . That/s nice / wonderful / great .
3 . Hopefully tomorrow will turn fine .
1) Expressing anxiety 表示焦虑
A : You seem to be worried about something . What/s the matter ?
B : It/s about Peter .
A : What/s the matter with him ?
B : You know , we are supposed to ( 应该 ) do the work today , but he still hasn/t got everything ready . And this is not the first time . How can we get things done if everyone works that way ?
A : I understand how you feel . I/ll speak to him about it at once .
2) Expressing surprise 表示惊奇
A:Oh , dear ! What/s the matter with you , young man ? You almost ride over me !
B : I/m very sorry , madam . I really didn/t see you . Are you hurt ?
A : Well , thank Goodness , I/m not hurt .
B : Is that so ( Really ) ?
A : Yes . Good heavens ! Look at my new dress ! Today is my first wear .
B : I beg your pardon , madam .
A : For God/s sake ( 看在上帝份上 ) , I/ll let you pass . But do be careful next time ! It/s really dangerous to ride so fast in the street .
3) Expressing pleasure 表示喜悦
A : What a nice dress ! Mary , you look beautiful today .
B : It/s very kind of you to say so . You look beautiful , too ! Where did you get your lovely new hat ?
A : It/s a birthday present from my sister .
B : Your sister has a very good taste ( 你姐姐真有眼力 ) . The hat is really beautiful .
A : Thank you for your compliments ( 夸奖 ) .
Ⅲ. 语法重点
学习not … until / till和复习句子的省略。特别要真正掌握not until型的强调表达和倒装表达。
not…until ( till ) 的四种句型
如果主句谓语动词是持续性动词,则主句常用肯定式,表示“直到……为止”,即:主句 ( 用肯定式 ) + until ( till ) 时间状语或状语从句。例如:
I worked until ( till ) he came back . 我工作到他回来为止。
I watched TV until ( till ) 10 o/clock . 我看电视一直到10点钟。
如果主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词,则主句必须用否定式,译为“直到……才”,即:主句 ( 用否定式 ) + until ( till ) 时间状语或状语从句。例如:
I didn/t go to bed until ( till ) he came back . 直到他回来我才睡觉。
I didn/t go to bed until ( till ) 10 o/clock last night . 昨晚我直到10点钟才睡觉。
注意:用在句首时,一般只用 until 而不能用 till。例如:
Until I finished my homework , I didn/t go to bed . 直到做完家庭作业我才睡觉。
Not + until 时间状语或状语从句 + 助动词 ( 常用 did ) + 主语 + 动词原形 ( 注:not 放在句首,故用部分倒装 ) 译为:“直到……才”。可以简化成:Not until…did + 主语。例如:
Not until I finished my homework did I go to bed last night .
I didn/t go to bed until ( till ) 10 o/clock last night . 昨晚我直到10点钟才睡觉。
注意:用在句首时,一般只用 until 而不能用 till。例如:
Until I finished my homework , I didn/t go to bed . 直到做完家庭作业我才睡觉。
Not + until 时间状语或状语从句 + 助动词 ( 常用 did ) + 主语 + 动词原形 ( 注:not 放在句首,故用部分倒装 ) 译为:“直到……才”。可以简化成:Not until…did + 主语。
Not until I finished my homework did I go to bed last night . 昨晚直到做完家庭作业我才睡觉。
Not until last week did he realize he was wrong . 直到上星期他才认识到他是错误的。
It was not + until 时间状语或状语从句 + that + 主句
( 注:此句型实际上是强调 not until 状语或状语从句。同学们应该记住:无论是强调时间、地点或原因状语,一般只用 that。这一点与定语从句不同,且此句型是陈述句语序,不用倒装。 ) 可以简化成句型:It was not until… + that . 例如:
It was not until I finished my homework that I went to bed . 是在做完作业之后我才去睡觉的。
It was not until last week that he realized he was wrong . 一直到上个星期他才认识到他是错误的。
1 . It was not ____ she took off her glasses ____ I realized she was a famous film star .
A . when ; that B . until ; that C . until ; when D . when ; then
2 . Not until the early years of 19th century ____ what heat is .
A . man did know B . man knew C . didn/t man know D . did man know
3 . Not until I began to work ____ how much time I had wasted .
A . didn/t I realize B . did I realize C . I didn/t realize D . I realized
4 . Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was .
A . did the villagers realize B . the villagers realized
C . the villagers did realize D . didn/t the villagers realize
5 . It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcast began .
A . while B . which C . that D . since
This kind of disease is caused by flies .
〖点拨〗fly作动词的常见搭配有:fly nonstop from Shanghai to New York从上海直飞纽约。fly a kite放风筝。fly from从……逃亡。fly at攻击(不用被动语态)。let fly (at) 射击
2. absence不在;缺席
His absence from school was caused by illness . 他缺课是因为生病。
〖点拨〗absence为不可数名词,但是,在表达“一次缺席或者不在”时是可数名词。如:He made up a wonderful story to explain his several absences .
He returned after an absence of twenty minutes .
注意:absence的形容词是absent 。常见搭配有:during one’s absence某人不在时。be absent from school ( work , home ) 没上学(不上班,不在家)。
3. truth真相;实际情况
The whole truth has come out . 真相已水落石出。
〖点拨〗truth to tell you = to tell (you ) the truth说真的。这是个固定词组,在句中作状语。如:To tell you the truth , he stole books from the bookstore .
4. charge费用;价钱;索价
What are your charges for the room ? 住房费是多少 ?
The exhibition is open to the public without charge .
〖点拨〗charge sb + 钱 + for sth因……收费……。How much do you charge for …? ……多少钱 ?如:The hotel charged me 50 yuan for a room for the night .
How much do you charge for a haircut ?
5. determine决定;决心
We determine to buy a computer .
〖点拨〗be determined to do = make up one’s mind to do下决心干…… 。
6. permit许可;执照;营业证;允许
You can’t enter the research center without a permit .
〖点拨〗permit sb to do允许某人干……。permit doing允许干……。如:
We don’t permit smoking here .
注意:permit常用在独立主格结构中。如:Time permitting , we’ll have a meeting this evening . = If time permits , …
另外,注意permit的现在分词、过去式和过去分词要双写词尾:permitting , permitted 。
7. prison监狱
She was sentenced to two years in pri

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原文地址:高二英语第十八单元Mainly Revision ( 阶段复习 )-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
