科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit21.doc
标题 Music (音乐)
章节 第二十一单元
关键词 高二英语第二十一单元



Ⅰ. 词汇学习

familiar ,be familiar with ,cap, note, can ( n . ) , hammer ,memory, tin ,marry ,get married ,single ,square, otherwise, perform, wedding, musical ,generation ,learn, by heart ,in praise of, hero ,nowadays, passerby ( 复数形式是: passers - by ),pattern, root ,thought ,gay ,ray ,part ( vt . ) ,soul ,iron,ironing ,board, whisper,jazz, folk, instrument, violin ,earn one/s living ,drum ,carol ,flaming, fade

Ⅱ. 交际英语

1. I think at the beginning we/d rather have …

2. I/d prefer them not to…

3. I/d rather have … to start .

4. I/d rather not have …

5. Have you decided … ?

6. I/ve decided to …

Ⅲ. 语法学习

- ing 形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语的用法

1 . 动词的 ing 形式包括名词和现在分词,二者都可作表语。如:

Our job is playing all kinds of music . ( 动名词 )

The music they are playing sounds so exciting . ( 现在分词 )

注:一般来讲,动名词 ( 短语 ) 作表语,主表可互换,即:Playing all kinds of music is our job .


2 . - ing 形式做定语可以表示 1 ) 所修饰名词的用途。如:

a waiting room ( = a room for waiting ) 候车室

a walking stick ( = a stick for walking ) 手杖

a sleeping car ( = a car for sleeping ) 卧车

2 ) 所修饰名词正在进行的动作,可以换成定语从句形式。 如:

a waiting man ( = a man who is waiting ) 正等待着的男人

a sleeping child ( = a child who is sleeping ) 正睡觉的孩子

a walking man ( = a man who is walking ) 正散步的男人

3 . 在 see , hear , feel , watch , notice 等感观动词后可以用 - ing 形式做宾语补足语。这时 - ing 形式和句子的宾语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,并且 - ing 形式表示宾语正在进行的动作。如:

He saw a girl getting on the tractor . ( = He saw a girl and the girl was getting on the tractor . ) 他看见一个女孩在往拖拉机上爬。

Do you hear someone knocking at the door? 有人敲门你听见了吗?


Ask the students to use the information from the reading passage to describe what they have learnt about music .

Kinds of music
More details

Folk music
It has been passed down from one generation to another . At first it was never written down . People learned the songs from their families , relatives , neighbours and friends in the same village . These songs were about the country life , the seasons , animals and plants , and about love and sadness in people/s lives .

African music
It plays an important part in people/s lives , especially for work , and at festivals and weddings , when people dance all night long .

Indian music
It/s not written down . There is a basic pattern of notes which the musician follows . But a lot of modern music is also written . India also produces films with music , and millions of records are sold every year .

Music in the Caribbean
The slaves who were brought from Africa developed their own kind of music . West Indians make musical instruments out of large oil cans . They hit different parts of the drum with hammers to produce different notes . This type of music has become very famous in Britain and is very good music to dance to .

Jazz was born in the USA around 1890 . It came from work songs sung by black people and had its roots in Africa . Jazz started developing in the 1920s in the southern states , Soon it was played by white musicians , too , and reached other parts of the USA .




1 . familiar 意为“世所周知,熟悉的;看惯的,听惯的,耳熟的”,其后通常跟介词 to 连用。例如:

a familiar face / voice 熟悉的脸 / 声音

His name is familiar to me , but I haven/t met him .

These tales are familiar to Chinese children .

familiar 还可以表示“ ( 某人 ) 熟悉 ( 某事 ) 的,精通……的,通晓……的”,其后通常可以跟介词 with 连用。


He is more familiar with modern jazz than I .

I am not familiar with the names of plants .


①事物当主语时,作“为人所熟悉”解,与 to 连用;但人当主语时,作“熟悉某事物”解时,则与 with 连用。又如:

Alpine plants are familiar to him . ( = He is familiar with alpine plants . )

②人当主语而与 with 连用时,with 之后若接事物的话就是“熟悉”之意,若接人的话就变成了“亲密”之意,但这个“亲密”往往很容易变成“亲昵、放肆”。

2 . marry 用作动词,意为“结婚;嫁,娶,与……结婚”,其名词形式为 marriage , 形容词形式为 married。例如:He married a classmate from high school .

Kate married a Frenchman last year .

He married his daughter to a doctor .

Mr Smith married Miss Kate five years ago .

另外,短语 be married ( to ) 意为“与……结婚,嫁给”;get marred ( to ) 意为“与……结婚,嫁给……”;marry sb . to 意为“把……嫁给……”。例如:

The old couple have already been married for fifty years .

She has got married to a man from her hometown .

They married their youngest daughter to a man with a lot of money .

3 . perform 用作动词,意为“执行,完成,做;演出,表演”。例如:

They computer performs these calculations with surprising speed .

The surgeon was performed a dangerous operation .

The singer had never performed in Beijing before .

He will be performing on the flute tonight .

4 . praise 可用作及物动词,意为“赞扬,表扬”,例如:

He was praised for his good works .

They praised him for risking his life to save his comrade .

He was praised for finishing his work ahead of time .

praise 还可以用作名词,意为“赞扬;赞扬的话 ( 用复数 ) ”。例如:

My books received high praise from general readers .

The teacher/s praise had greatly encouraged us .

The praise of mine usually made the students feel very happy .

5 . nowadays 用作副词,表示与以前相比,意为“时下;现今”,常与一般现在时动词连用。例如:

Nowadays a lot of people go abroad .

Nowadays young people prefer watching TV to reading books .

They used to read novels , but nowadays they read newspapers .


1 . in praise of 意为“称赞,赞扬 ( = to praise ) ”。例如:

He made a report in praise of country life .

We all spoke in praise of the boy/s courage and bravery .

2 . learn … by heart 意为“记住;背诵”。例如:

I have learned the reading materials by heart .

Have you learned by heart the main points of the article?

It/s very difficult for the children to learn the poem by heart .

3 . earn one/s living 意为“谋生;挣钱”。例如:

He had to earn his living at the his early age .

The fishermen earned their living by fishing .

Some people earn their living by writing stories .

4 . play the guitar / piano / violin / flute , 英语中表示乐器的名词前通常要用定冠词。

I used to play the flute after school , but I usually operate the computer at present .

She couldn/t learn to play the piano quite well without a teacher .

Which can you play better , the guitar or the flute?

The lady often enjoyed herself by playing the violin after supper


1 . I/d prefer them not to play too loudly a

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原文地址:高二英语第二十一单元Music (音乐)-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
