
Teaching Aims
  通过本单元的教学,使学生掌握表示个人看法的常用语句,学习由关系副词where, when引导的定语从句,通过对课文的学习,了解美国前总统亚伯拉罕·林肯的生平。
1.单词set, fight, end ,death, spare, honest
2.短语fight for/ against/ with, in the end, set free, no more than, in all, set up, of one’s own, break out, break away from, join up, consider…as, best to death, call for
  1) What’s on at the cinema this week?
  2) What’s it about?
  3) That sounds interesting.
  复习已学的定语从句,学习由when/ when引导的定语从句。



  本篇对话在Part I部分提供给学生四张图片,讲述奴隶生活的悲惨及要求获得自由,让学生用正确的句子与图片搭配起来做练习。Part II 的对话是两个朋友在谈论一部新电影,对话用语使用的表达语,如:What’s on?/ What’s it about?/等表示个人看法的常用语句。


辨析fight against/fight with/fight for
  fight against后接事物名词时意为“为反对……而斗争”,后接表示人或国家的名词时意为“和(同)……斗争(战斗)”,此时可与fight with替换使用,只是fight against 语气强些。
  They fought bravely for liberation. 他们为了解放而英勇斗争。
  fight with只接表示人或国家的名词,意思等同于fight against, 但如果和against出现在同一句子里时则表示“和……并肩作战”。
  England fought with France against German fascists during the Second World War. 二战期间英国同法国一道抗击德国法西斯。
  fight for多表示“为……而战”。
  They fought with Italians in the last war but against them in this. 在上次战争中他们和意大利人并肩作战,而这次却同意大利人交战。

辨析 read sth. 和 read about sth.
  read sth. 读某东西
  I read about this accident this morning.今早我读到了有关这一事故的材料。
  read about sth. 读有关某事的材料,如:
  I read the news in the newspaper.我在读报纸上的消息。
  write sb. 给某人写信
  write about sb. 写书、报道等宣传某人
  write a book 写书
  write a book about sb. 为某人写传记

辨析shoot/shoot at
  He fired and shot the tiger.他开了枪并且射中了老虎。
  shoot at 意为“朝或对准某人/物射击”,只强调射击的动作,不强调射击的结果,如:
  In the game he shot at the basket 11 times but had only 5 successes.在比赛中他投篮11次,但只有五次投中。

辨析no more than /not more than
  在数量上进行比较时,no more than = only, 意为“仅仅,只有”;not more than=at most, 意为“至少,不超过”。例如:
  There are no more than ten people in the room. 房间里只有十个人。
  I have not more than 20 books.我最多有20本书。
  在程度上进行比较时,no more than有“两者都不”之意,表示说话者主观上嫌其少(差、不足、不好)等;not more than含有“不及、不多于”之意。只反映实际情况,无任何语气。
  This book is no more interesting than that one.这本书并不比那本书有趣。
  This story is not more interesting than that one.这个故事不如那个故事有趣。
  no more than of可以扩展为 no+比较级than。例如:
  no better than( =as bad as)比……好不了多少
  no more than( = as few/little as)你……一样穷
  no richer than( =as poor as)像……一样穷
  no larger than( =as small as) 像……一样小
  He is no happier than his brother. 他并不比他弟弟更幸福。

辨析so...that 与 such...that
  so + 形容词/副词+that(结果状语从句),它可用too…to或enough to来表达,如:
  She was so angry that she couldn’t say a word.
  ( = She was too angry to say a word. ) 她气得一句话都说不出来。
  so + 形容词+a / an +名词+that从句,如:
  He is so clever a boy that everyone likes him. 他如此聪明,大家都喜欢他。
  He is such a clever boy that everyone likes him.
  It was such terrible weather that we had to stay at home all day.天气如此恶劣,我们只好整天呆在家里。

分析break away
  It was wrong for him to break away from all his good friends.他和他的好朋友们决裂是错误的。
  The students were encouraged to break away from the bad habits.学生们受到鼓励与坏习惯决裂。

分析break out
  作“爆发”,“突然发生”解。它与happen, take place, come out等词的用法一样,是不及物动词,没有被动语态。
  Could you tell me when World War II broke out? 你能告诉我第二次世界大战什么时候爆发的吗?
  Shortly after the fire broke out, the firemen arrived and controlled the fire.在火灾发生后很短的时间内,消防队员们就到达现场并控制住了火势。
  I dont know why a quarrel broke out between the two neighbours because they used to be close friends.我不知道为什么这两个邻居之间会发生争吵,因为他们以前曾是很亲密的朋友。

  作“认为”讲,后跟不定式的复合结构。“consider sb./sth. to be”,这一结构表示“认为某人/某事……”,“把……当作……”。与 “regard sb./sth. as” 相同。
  Jenny is considered (to be) warm-hearted. 珍尼被认为是个热心人。
  The Great Wall is considered as one of the most interesting places in the world. 长城被认为是世界上最有趣的地方之一。

分析be sad at…
  说明]作“听到/看到……而难过”解,表示引起某种情绪的原因。类似的词还有be surprised at;
  be angry at; be glad at; be happy at; be frightened at 等等。
  He was angry at losing the chance to go abroad.他失去了出国的机会,很生气。


关系副词  用法     例句(关系副词=介词=关系代词)
where  地点/场所   This is the place where / in which I was              born.
why   理由/原因  This is the reason why / for which they cannot            come today.
when   时间    I know the time when / at which he will              leave.
不可用how 方式   This is the way in which I study / which I            study in. This is the way that I study.
  1)when指时间,相当于at that time,在从句中作时间状语。如:
  I still remember the day when( = on which) I first came to Beijing.我还记得第一次来到北京那天的情景。
  She came at a time when we needed her most.她在我们最需要的时候来了。
  2)where相当于at that place,在从句中作地点状语。如:
  This is the house where (in which) my father used to live.这就是我父亲以前住过的房子。
  Do you know the street where Li Fang lives?你知道李芳居住的那条街吗?
  The building ( which/that) they built 10 years ago was destroyed in the storm last night.他们十年前建的那栋房子在昨晚的风暴中毁坏了。
  The village ( that/which) we visited is very beautiful.我们参观的那个村子景色很美。
  Well never forget the day ( that/which) we spent together in Wuhan.我们将不会忘记我们在武汉一起度过的日子。
  1. Ill never forget the day _____ we spent together last week.
  2. Ill never forget the day _____ we met each other last week.
  3. Do you still remember the hall _____ we visited the painting exhibition?
  4. After living in New York for 10 years, he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child.
  5. It is the third time _____ you have made the same mistake.
Key: that/ which, when, where, where, that

Lesson 49教学设计方案

Teaching Aims
  1 To learn the following words and expressions.

  fight against/for, in the end, set free, end v., What’s on….?, That sounds interestin

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原文地址:英语教案-Abraham Lincoln-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
