Unit 1 Good friends

The first period

  First review some words that we have learned.(my web)

  Then come to Unit 1. Good friends

 T:Do you have friends?

   Who is your best friend?

   Why do you like him/her best?

How to be a friend

  Too many people want others to be their friends,but they don’t give friendship back.That is why some friendships don’t last very long. To have a friend,you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest,be generous,be understanding.

 T:I’ll tell you a short story:

Man’s Best Friend

  A long time ago,in a small house in Scotland,two friends lived together.Their names were John and Bobby.John and Bobby were not rich,but they were happy.They had a warm fire when it was cold outside.They had good food to eat when they were hungry.They were never lonely because they had each other.
  John and Bobby liked to take long walks together.After their walk,John usually cooked dinner.John and Bobby ate dinner and then sat in front of the fire.They had a simple but good life.
  Then,in the spring of 1858,John got sick and died.He was buried in a cemetery in Edinburgh,Scotland.After John was buried,Bobby stood at John’s grave and cried.“Come on,Bobby,”friends said.“It’s time to go home.”Bobby went home,but later he returned to the cemetery.He sat down near John’s grave.He stayed there all night.
  Bobby stayed at the cemetery the next day,and the next day,and the next.For the next 14 years,Bobby never left the cemetery.When the weather was cold or rainy,he slept in a small house at the cemetery.When the weather was warm,he slept on the ground near John’s grave.
  Finally,in 1872,Bobby died,too.Friends buried him in a little grave near John.Why was Bobby’s grave little?Bobby,John’s best friend,was a dog.

Step2.Let’s come to Warming up.
T:OK.Now I want you to discuss two questions.

1.What should a good friend be like?

2.What qualities should a good friend have?

Discuss them in groups of four.After a while,everyone is asked to make a sentence using the words in the box below. Of course,you can use other words if you like.

Add some words to describe persons:


Now,ask Ss to describe a good friend.Time permitting,ask more while speaking,Ss can use such phrase as”I think…/In my opinion…”

  S1:…     S2:….

Then Ss describe themselves in three adjective?


You are going to hear two friends arguing.They are talking about some common problems that may occur in a friendship.

What are they arguing about?

How to solve their problems?

Now listen carefully,write down what you hear.Play each situation twice.At last I’ll check the answer with the whole class,Is that clear?

(While playing the tape,pause for Ss to write down the information).Then check.


T:Now.I’d like to know something about your favourite hobbies?

(Come up to one boy).What are your favourite hobbies?

  What about you?(to another s)

T:yes,we know different people can have different hobbies.Now look at the part―“Speaking” on P2.You are given four minutes to read the following self-introduction.After that,fill in the following form.


Check their answers.

Now discuss in pairs who could be friends according to the form which you filled in just now. Of course,you’d better give your partner your reasons.When you express your ideas,you can use such sentence structure.

1.       I’m sure_____and_____could be friends,because…

2.       I’m not sure if____and____could be friends,because…

3.       Perhaps____and_____could be friends because…

The Second Period

Step1.Check the Pre-reading

Step2.Come to Reading.

  First listen to the tape and then answer the three questions on the screen:

1. What does Chuck Noland do?

2. Does Chuck have any friend on the island? Who?

3.What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?

Then Ss read the text again

Step3.Fill in the blanks according to the text:

  In the movie Cast Away Tom _____a man ______Chuck Noland. Chuck is a __________who is always___ busy _____he has little time for his friends. His company is to send____ all over the world. One day Chuck is on a_____ across the Pacif

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原文地址:英语教案-unit 1-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
