Period 5  Integrating skills

Teaching aims:

1.      To enable the students to learn more about Yao Ming and other athletes.

2.      To teach the students to learn from those athletes and work hard at their lessons.

Suggestions for teaching:

1.      Important and difficult points:

To enable the students to learn what makes an athlete great and successful after reading about Yao Ming.

To teach the students how to write a profile of a sports star by using some of the words and expressions in this unit.

2.      Suggested teaching methods:

Activity 1   Lead-in

Talk about some well-known athletes.

The teacher may begin the class by asking the students to talk about their favorite superstars. The following questions may be helpful to them:

Do you have any superstar basketball players or football players?

What do you know about them?

After finishing this task, the teacher may introduce Yao Ming to the students by talking about the news “Yao misses title”.

Activity 2   Reading

Get the students to listen to the profile of Yao Ming and find out:

How many points did Yao Ming score per game in the last season with the Shanghai Sharks?

Get the students to read the passage and find out the answer to this question: Why is Yao Ming so popular?

Encourage the students to give as many reasons as possible.

Suggested answers:

(1)   scored 32.4 points per game in the last season with…

(2)   is now helping in the NBA

(3)   has great skill and speed

(4)   is a team player

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原文地址:高一新教材UNIT 8 Period V-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
