科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit19.1.doc
标题 Jobs (工作)
章节 第十九单元
本单元围绕男女平等这一题材,让同学们通过阅读课文“The Secret Is Out !”来了解妇女受歧视的情况以及带来的社会后果。众所周知,妇女在社会历史发展的过程中起到了重要作用。
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
四会单词和词组:offer , fair , pick up , army , handtruck , careless , carelessly , remove , to one’s surprise , refuse , call at , cross , look down upon , promise , support
三会单词和词组:engineer , design , pretend , boss , department , designer , gently
Ⅱ. 交际英语
Offers and responses 提供〈帮助等〉和应答
1 . Can / Could / Shall I help you ?
2. Would you like me to… ?
3. Is there anything ( else ) I can do for you ? / What can I do for you ?
4. Do you want me to… ?
5. Would you like some…… ?
6. Thanks . That would be nice/fine . / That/s very kind your help . / Thank you for your help .
7. Yes , please . / Here , take this/my…
8 . No , thanks/thank you . / No , thanks/thank you . I can manage it myself .
9. Thank you all the same .
10. That/s very kind of you , but…
( 1 )
Jack : I/m going shopping this afternoon . Is there anything I can do for you ?
Tom : Let me think . Yes , if it isn/t too much trouble , could you get me a dozen of eggs ?
Jack : No trouble ( I/ll be glad to ) . Anything else ?
Tom : I can/t think of anything at the moment .
( 2 )
George : Hello , Alice . Nice to see you again .
Alice : Hello , George . You/re looking very well .
George : Here , let me carry these boxes for you .
Alice : I can manage ( 设法对付 ) it myself , but thank you all the same .
George : This is my car . Let me help you put away these boxes .
Alice : Thank you . ( After driving for some time ) This city seems to be a beautiful one . I/m sure I/ll have a good time during my stay here .
George : I/m sure you will . By the way , would you like me to show you around ( 领你参观 ) the city this afternoon ?
Alice : Oh , that/s very nice of you . I/m looking forward to ( 盼望 ) it . Thank you , George .
Ⅲ. 语法学习
1. refuse拒绝;不愿
His request was refused politely .
The door refused to open . = The door won’t open .
She refused his gift .
〖点拨〗refuse to do拒绝干 …… 。refuse the invitation拒绝邀请。refuse sb to不许某人干…… 。
2. design设计;绘制;图案
This engineer is designing a new teaching building for our school .
The theatre is poor in design . 这戏院设计欠佳。
I don’t like the wall-paper design . 我不喜欢这壁纸的花样。
〖点拨〗by design故意地,有计划地。design for为……设计。
3. pretend假装;装作
Don’t pretend to know what you don’t know .
He didn’t want to go to school , so he pretended illness .
He pretended to be an expert .
He pretended that he was working hard .
Let’s pretend to be soldiers . = Let’s pretend that we are soldiers .
注意否定结构常用pretend not to do 。如:She pretended not to see me in the street .
4. promise许诺;答应
I can’t lend you the book ; I’ve promised it to Mr Chen .
He promised me to be more careful next time .
〖点拨〗promise后可以接不定式,也可以接从句。promise sb to do(主语)答应某人做……。promise sb sth = promise sth to sb答应给某人…… 。promise sb that …答应……。
She promised her early return .
Promise me never to trouble me again .
I promised Nick my old car . = I promised my old car to Nick .
She promises to be a good wife .
1. women police officers女警官
There are women police officers , women doctors , teachers , engineers , farmers and so on .
2. the top of ……的最高地位;领先地位
He’s got to the top of the company because of his hard work .
He is at the top of his class .他的成绩在班上领先。
3. in politics在政界
There are more men than women in politics .
When did he go in politics ?
He is a good example for the young men in politics to learn from .
4. have an accident出了事故
I’ve never had an accident driving a car .
One day he had a bicycle accident .
5. be badly hurt严重受伤
His legs were badly hurt .
In the accident the driver was seriously hurt .
I was deeply hurt by what they had said about me .
6. take sb to hospital送某人去医院治疗
He was injured in an accident and was taken to hospital .
注意在hospital前没有the ,否则,take sb to the hospital就成了“带某人去医院,但不一定看病”。
又如:be in hospital住院,go to hospital去看病。
7. to one’s surprise使某人惊奇的是
To my great surprise he was late for school for the first time that day .
To the surprise of his parents , the young man got rich overnight .
注意:to在此为介词,意为“致使”,后接表示情感的名词,特指在某人心中产生的感情效果。由to引起的介词短语在句中作状语,表示结果。下面三种表达一样:to my surprise = to the surprise of me = much to my surprise 。
类似的表达还有: to one’s joy / delight使某人高兴的是, to one’s satisfaction使某人满意的是,to one’s regret使某人后悔的是,to one’s disappointment使某人失望的是,to one’s sorrow使某人悲伤的是。
8. at work在上班,在工作
He is hard at work every time I come to see him .
9. lose one’s job失业
If anyone at work discovers my secret , I shall lose my job .
注意:“失业”还可用:be out of work / job ; be unemployed
10. lie to sb对某人说谎
tell a lie = tell lies撒谎
11. hear about听说,听到过
We have never heard about him .
12. call at + 地点 “去某处”。call on sb拜访某人。
I think we should call at Li’s while we are in Guangzhou .
13. tell one’s story to向……叙述某人的经历
Shall I tell you the story of my life in Africa ?
14. cut short把……剪短
The barber cut my hair short .
Better not have your hair cut short .
15. stay in留在
My parents stayed in Beijing when I moved to another city .
注意:stay in中的in还可以是副词。如:
I’ll stay in to wait for his telephone call .
The whole class will stay in for half an hour after school .
16. for a moment一会儿,片刻。
Please wait for a moment .
For a moment or two everyone was quiet .
注意:for the moment暂时;目前
I cannot think of his address for the moment .
17. be cross感到不悦
Don’t be cross with what I said . = Don’t be angry about my words .
18. look down upon / on 看不起;轻视
I wish you wouldn’t look down upon this kind of work .
19. be busy with忙于…… 。
be busy (in) doing忙于
1 . It seems that it/s more difficult for women to get to the top of a company . 妇女似乎更难提升到公司的最高职位。
〖明晰〗It seems that…是一个常用句型,意为“看来;似乎”
It seems that no one knew what had happened .
另外,seem 还常用于其它两个句型:
It seems as if…意为“看来好像……” , as if 从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气形式。
It seems as if it were going to rain .
There seems…意为“似乎有……”。
There seems something wrong with my bicycle .
2 . There a doctor asked him to remove his trousers so that he could examine his legs . 在医院里,医生让他把裤子脱下来,以便检查一下他的腿。
〖明晰〗so that 表示“以便;为了”,引导目的状误从句,相当于 in order that , 它们后面可以跟表示将来含义的现在时。在过去时的句中 , so that 或 in order that 从句中谓语动词常用“should ( 或 could , would , might ) + 动词原形。

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原文地址:高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
