劝告或建议(Advice and Suggestions)

a.You/d better stay at home.你最好呆在家里。

You/d better not go to bed so early.你最好别这么早上床睡觉。

You should /ought to study well.你应该好好学习。

We must study hard.我们必须努力学习。

You need some time.你需要些时间。

I need take No.1bus.我需要坐1路公共汽车。

b.I suggest that you(should)go right now.我建议你马上走。

c.Shall I do it for you?我为你做它好吗?

Shall he come to see you?要不要他来看你?

Let/s go home.我们回家吧。

Why not tell me by telephone?为什么不打电话告诉我呢?

Why don/t you do it?你为什么不做它?


决断和坚持(Determination,Decision and Insistence)

a.I will pay you at the rate you ask.我愿意按你要求的比率付款。

I/ve decided to go abroad for my holiday.我已决定出国度假。

I/ve decided against selling the house.我已决定不卖这所房子。

I/ve decided for the plan.我已决定赞成这项计划。

I/ve made up my mind not to change my plan.我已决定不改变我的计划。

I/m determined to pay him 100dollars.我决心付给他100美元。

b.I insist on quietness.我坚持要安静。

I insisted upon her staying in London.我坚持要她呆在伦敦。

I insisted that he(should)be present.我坚持他要到场。

I insisted that he(should)come with us.我坚持他和我们来。


判断和意见(Judgement and Opinion)

a.He may be right./He/s perhaps right.他可能/也许是对的。

It certainly is.当然是了。

It/s correct to do it.做这件事是对的。

Well done./Good work.做得不错。/干得好。

b.I judge him to be about 40.我判定他有40来岁。

I feel as if it were going to rain.我觉得好像要下雨了。

I guess you/re right.我想你是对的。

Judging from her letters,Mother seems to be feeling a lot better.从母亲的来信判断,她似乎觉得好多了。

Judging by his accent,he must be from the south.从他的口音判断,他一定是南方人。

It seems that you are lying.看起来你在说谎。

So far as I can judge,this car will hold six people.依我判断,这辆车可以坐六人。

In my opinion,Americans eat a lot of meat/too much meat.在我看来,美国人吃肉多/吃肉太多。


看病(Seeing the doctor)

a.What/s the matter /wrong /the trouble?怎么啦?

What/s the matter /the trouble /wrong with you(your leg,etc.)?你(的腿等)怎么啦?

Is there anything wrong with you /your leg?你(的腿)怎么啦?

b.There is something wrong with /Something is wrong with me(my leg).我(的腿)有点不得劲。

I/ve got a bad cold.我得了重感冒。

I feel terrible /bad.我觉得难受。

I don/t feel well.我觉得不舒服。

I/ve got a pain here.我这儿有点疼。

My leg hurts.我腿疼。

I hurt my leg.我的腿受伤了。

c.Take this medicine three times a day.这个药一天服三次。

Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.多喝点水,多休息。

It/s nothing serious,you/ll be all right /well soon.不要紧,很快就会好的。


take one/s temperature量体温

give sb.an injection给某人打针

ask for a sick leave请病假

可能与不可能(Possibility and Impossibility)

a.He may be at home.他可能在家。

It is likely that they/ll win.很可能他们会赢。

It is possible that I shall go there next week.可能下星期我去那儿。

b.He can/t be at home.他不可能在家。

You may not do it.你不可以做它。

He is not likely to come.他不可能来。


预见、猜测和相信(Prediction,Conjecture and Belief)

a.He will come tomorrow.他明天会来。

He must be in.他准在家。

He must have done his homework.他准完成了他的作业。

It seems(that)it/s going to rain.看来天要下雨了。

c.I believe that he is right.我相信他是对的。

I believe him /what he said.我相信他说的话。



a.Can /Could you get some water for me?你给我拿些水来好吗?

Will/Would you please open the window?请你打开窗户好吗?

May I have a piece of paper,please?我可以拿张纸用吗?

b.Please pass me the book.请把那本书递给我。

Please give them to me.请把它们给我。

Please wait here /a moment.请在这儿等/请等一会儿。

Please wait(for)your turn.请按顺序等候。

Please stand in line /line up.请站(排)队。

Please hurry.请快点。

c.Don/t rush /crowd.不要急/不要挤。

No noise,please.请不要大声喧哗。

No smoking,please.请不要吸烟。

Will/Would you please not do it /sit here?请不要做它/不要坐在这儿好吗?


肯定或不肯定(Certainty and Uncertainty)

a.He must be there.他准在那儿。

He must have missed the 6:30train.他一定没赶上六点半的火车。

I/m certain(of success).我肯定(能成功)。

I/m certain /sure that you/ll pass the exam.我敢肯定/确信你会通过考试的。

I/m sure of a heavy rain this evening.我确信今晚有大雨。

b.I can/t be certain /sure.我不能肯定。

I can/t make up my mind whether to go or stay.我决定不了是去还是留。

I/m not sure about /of that.对此,我没有把握。

It/s hard to tell.很难说。

I/m not sure whether /if I can get the money back.我不敢肯定我能否把钱取回来。

Maybe /Perhaps.可能。/或许。


请求、允许和应答(Asking for Permission and Responses)

a.May I come in?我可以进来吗?

Can/Could I have a look at it?我可以看看吗?

I wonder if I could take it away.不知我是否可以把它拿走。

Do you mind if I turn off the light?我把灯关掉你不反对吗?

Would you mind if I smoke here?我在这儿吸烟,你不介意吗?

I/d like to make a phone call here,if I may/you/ll allow me.如果允许的话,我想在这儿打个电话。

b.Yes /Sure /Certainly /By all means.当然可以。


Go ahead,please.干吧(做吧等)。

That/s OK /all right.没有关系。

Not at all/Of course not /Certainly not.当然不反对。

Feel free.随你便。

c.I/m sorry,you can/t.对不起,你不能。

You/d better not.你最好不要。

No,I/m afraid not.不,恐怕不行。

I/m sorry,that/s not allowed.对不起,这是不允许的。

I/m sorry,but that/s not possible.对不起,但这是不可能的。

I/d like to,but my friend wouldn/t.我是愿意的,但我的朋友不愿意。


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