科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit23.1.doc
标题 Rescuring the Temple
章节 第二十三单元
关键词 高一英语第二十三单元



Ⅰ . 词汇学习

at breakfast , edge , in danger , regularly , mark , face ( v . ) , god , Africa , East Africa , flood , level , figure , date from , rebuild , effort , make a good effort , extra , temple , Egypt , dam , pyramid

Ⅱ . 交际英语


1 . There are several thing we could do .

2 . Can/t we… ?

3 . Maybe we could…

4 . How about… ?

5 . I think we should do that another day .

6 . You/d ( we/d ) better…

征求意见 What shall we do ?

意愿 I/d prefer to do…

偏爱 I/d like to do…

判断 I think that/s a good idea .

Ⅲ . 语法学习




I was the only person in the office who was invited .


He is her father , who is a doctor .

关系代词 which 和 as 可以指代它前面整个句子的意思,引导非限制性定语从句。

He was late again , which made his teacher angry .

As everybody knows , all that glitters is not gold .


一冠之差 意义迥异


1 . go to church 去做礼拜,go to the church 去教堂。如:

While going to the church , he met with many people who would go to church .

2 . go to hospital 去看病,go to the hospital 去医院。如:

Mary went to hospital because she didn/t feel well .

He went to the hospital to see his sick aunt .

3 . go to sea = become a sailor 当水手,go to the sea 到海滨度假。

When he was a boy , his greatest wish was to go to sea .

It/s windy and we can/t go to the sea . That/s a pity .

4 . out of question 毫无疑问,out of the question 不可能,办不到的,不必谈的。如:

He is an honest man and his honesty is out of question .

He is too young . It is out of the question for him to support a large family .

5 . in front of 在 ( 某范围外的 ) 前面,in the front of 在 ( 某范围内的 ) 前部。如:

He is sitting in the front of the classroom , reading a foreign novel while the others are playing football in front of the teaching building .

6 . take place 发生,take the place of 取代,代替。如:

Mr . Jin , who will take the place of Mike , knows how . the accident take place .

※ 不定冠词不可忽视。

1 . at a time 每次,一次,at times 有时,不时。如:

Please pass me the bricks two at a time .

At college we had a class - meeting at times .

2 . have a word with sb . 与……谈话,have words with sb . 与……争吵。如:

Can I have a word with you ?

He is a cross man . He often has words with his neighbours .

3 . on fire 失火,on a fire 在火上。如:

They are eating something that were cooked on a fire .

4 . take a turn 兜一圈,take turns 依次,轮流。如:

They took a turn in the park on a bike and went home .

They take turns to look after the old lady .




1 . level 水平线;水平

The mountain is 8000 feet above sea level . 此山海拔高度为8000英尺。

2 . effort 努力,艰难的尝试

He made an effort to finish his work . 他努力完成他的工作。

I/ll make every effort to help you . 我将尽力帮助你。

Tom made a big effort to move the rock . 汤姆花了很大的劲去搬那块大石头。

3 . extra 额外的,外加的

I must buy extra bread because friends are coming to tea . 我必须再买些面包,因为朋友们要来吃茶点。

I don/t suppose they want any extra help . 我认为他们不需要额外的帮助。

Dinner costs £ 3 , and wine is extra . 饭钱是三英磅,酒钱另加。

4 . flood 洪水 ( 常用复数 ) ( 使 ) 淹没;泛滥

When the water went down again after the floods , a lot of rich soil was left in the fields .

The river was in flood .

First , the River Nile used to flood large areas at the same time every day .

In Egypt , the Nile used to flood every year .

Our street floods whenever we have rain .

5 . mark 标明;作记号于 ( 常与 with 连用 ) 记号;标记

… each stone was marked with a number .

mark one/s clothes with one/s name

a horse with a white mark on its head

6 . face 面向;朝向

Inside the temple is a row of stone animals , which face the rising sun .

Turn round and face me .

The building faces north / towards the north .

7 . regularly 规则地;经常地

The new dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly all through the year .

Take the medicine regularly three times a day .

We meet regularly to discuss business .


1 . be on holiday 在度假;休假

2 . at breakfast 早餐时;在吃早饭

She was at breakfast when I called her yesterday .

3 . feel like ( doing ) sth . 想 / 愿意做某事

I don/t feel like ( drinking ) beer tonight .

4 . on the edge of 在……边的缘

The temple is on the edge of the lake that has been made by the dam .

Don/t put that glass on the edge of the table ; it might fall off .

2 . rise by… 增加 / 提高 / 升高了…;以…的幅度升高 / 提高

rise to 增加 / 提高 / 升高到…

As a result of the dam , the water level of the lake was going to rise

The water level rose to 63 meters .

6 . in danger 在危险中

These temples were in danger .

He had a car accident . His life is in danger .

注:在in danger 这一词组中不能加不定冠词 a,因为 danger 是作为不可数名词,但在 danger 前可以加上 no 或 great 和形容词构成 in no danger , in great danger 等词组,in danger 的反义词组是 out of danger。

These two countries are at war . Their people are in great danger .

Don/t worry about your son . He is out of danger now .

7 . date from ( = date back to ) 属于 ( 某一历史时期 ) ;始于 ( 某一历史时期 )

…there dress dates from the 19th century .

My interest in stamp collecting dates from my school days .

8 . in all ( = in total ) 总共

In all , 1 , 700 workers and 200 other people worked on the project .

There were 20 people in all in the party .

9 . make a ( n ) … effort to do sth . 尽力做某事

Please make an effort to arrive early .

The prisoner made no effort to escape .

The people made a good effort to work on the project .

10 . interesting places ― places of interest 游览胜地

There are plenty of interesting places to visit in my hometown .

11 . in groups 分组地,成群结队地

They were discussing the plan for their trip in groups .

12 . stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地

13 . all through ― 在整个……时期中,自始至终,在整个……范围内

The baby cried all through the night .

There was silence all through the room . 屋里一片沉默。 ( 表示范围 )

14 . rush through ― 掠过, ( 使 ) 快速通过;匆忙做完

Electricity can now be made from the water which rushe

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原文地址:高一英语第二十三单元 Rescuring the Temple-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
