I. Teaching aims and demands

  1.Enable the Ss to master the new words and expressions:

  homework, sleep, close, clean, am, breakfast, supper,

  do my homework, go to bed, have breakfast, have supper.

  2.Enable the Ss to mater the sentence patterns:

  What are you doing?

  I’m making a birthday card.

  It’ s time to…

  II Key points

  1.The new words;

  2.The sentence patterns.

  III Teaching aids

  1.Word cards;

  2.Tape and cassette;


  4.Some objects;

  IV Teaching Steps

Lesson 1

  Step 1 Warming up

  1.Make greetings.

  1)Nice to meet you.

  2)How do you do?

  3)What day is it today?

  4)What time is it now?

  2.A chant.

  1)Swimming, swimming, I’m swimming;

  2)Jumping, jumping, I’m jumping;

  3)Running, running, I’m running;

  4)Dancing, dancing, I’m dancing.

  Step 2 Presentation(CAI)

  1.Part 2 Listen, point and say.

  1)T do some acts;

  2)Look at the pictures and watch the CAI carefully.

  3)Learn the new words.

  ① open 打开  I’m opening the door.

  ② read 读书  I’m reading a book.

  ③ do my homework 做家庭作业  I’m doing my homework.

  ④ sing 唱歌  I’m singing.

  ⑤ close 关闭  I’m closing the window.

  ⑥ clean 打扫  I’m cleaning the floor.

  4)Read and spell them.

  5)Ask some Ss to teach them.

  6)Read them together.

  2.Part 1 Watch, listen and say.

  1)Look at the picture and say what you know from it;

  2)Watch the CAI carefully;

  3)Listen to the tape;

  4)Listen again and learn some sentences:

  ① What are you doing? 你在干什么?

  ② I’m doing my homework. 我在做家庭作业。

  ③ It’s time to go to bed. 该上床睡觉了。

  ④ Where is Doggie? 小狗在哪里?

  ⑤ He’s sleeping on my bed. 他在我的床上睡觉。

  5)Listen again and read after it aloud.

  6)Ask some Ss to teach to read it.

  7)Read it together.

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1.Activity 1 Listen and number.

  1)Listen and write the correct numbers.

  2)Check the answer.

  2.Activity 2 Ask and answer.

  1)Read the model;

  Model: What are you doing?

  I’m ….

  2)Practice freely;

  3)Make performance.

  4)Make some sentences.

  Model: What are you doing?

  I’m ….

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1.Read the dialogue

  1)Read it together.

  2)Read it in groups.

  3)Read it alone.

  2.Read and write the sentences:

  Model: What are you doing?

  I’m ….

  Step 5 Homework

  1.Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2.Write and remember the new words.(10 times).

  3.Finish the exercises on EB.

  4.Revise lesson 1.

  5.Preview lesson 2.

Lesson 2

  Step 1 Warming up

  1.Make greetings.

  1)Nice to meet you.

  2)What is it today?

  3)What’s the weather like today?

  2.A chant.

  1)Swimming, swimming, I’m swimming;

  2)Jumping, jumping, I’m jumping;

  3)Running, running, I’m running;

  4)Dancing, dancing, I’m dancing.

  5)Reading, reading, I’m reading.

  6)Singing, singing, I’m singing.

  7)Doing my homework, doing my homework, I’m doing my homework.

  Step 2 Presentation(CAI)


  1)Read-----reading, I’m reading.

  2)Sing -----singing, I’m singing.

  3)Open -----cleaning, I’m cleaning the floor.

  4)Close ------closing, I’m closing the window.

  2.Part 1 Listen, learn and act.

  1)Look at the pictures carefully.

  2)Listen to the tape.

  3)Learn some sentences;

  ① May I speak to Ted? 我可以跟Ted讲话吗?

  ② Speaking. (我是Ted,)你说话吧。

  ③ What are you doing now? 你正在干什么呢?

  ④ I’m having my supper. 我正在吃晚饭。

  ⑤ I’m having my breakfast. 我正在吃早饭。

  4)Listen again and read after it aloud.

  5)Ask some Ss to teach them.

  6)Read it together.

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1.Activity 3 Listen and match.

  1)Listen to the tape carefully.

  2)Listen again and finish the exercise..

  3)Check the answer.

  2. EB.

  1)Finish the exercises;

  2)Check the answer.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1.Read the dialogue together.

  2.Read and write the sentences:

  Model: What are you doing?

  I’m ….

  Step 5 Homework

  1.Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2.Revise lesson 2.

  3.Preview lesson 3.
英语 - I’m making a birthday card.(人教版四年级上册)一文由备课库www.beikeku.com搜集整理,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处!

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原文地址:英语 - I’m making a birthday card.(人教版四年级上册)-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
