Unit seven

In the parkParts AB)教




    1、能听懂、会用以下单词:do-doing, play-playing, eat- eating, draw- drawing, sing -singing, drink-drinking.

    2、能听、说、读、写以下句型:what’s sb. doing?

  He/she is…, 并能在日常生活中使用。







Step 1、Leading-in

     1、Sing a song《Teddy bear》

2、Free talk (T-P) (T-P1) (P1-P2)

         1)What can you do ?

2)What can he /she do?

3、Game: Listen and do (talk, draw, read, sing, eat)


Step 2、Pre-task

1、Show a big picture of a park and some small pictures of dogs

2、出示各种颜色的dog的图片,提出主任务:这些五颜六色的dog 一起去干什么呢?(训练学生的发散思维能力,激发他们参与人物角色的兴趣)


Step 3、While-task

1、Look、listen and answer 老师以chant的形式再配上有趣的动作演绎故事、然后全班一起解决主任务。


The mother dog and the BB dogs are in the park.

The mother dog says: “Wo wo…Yellow dog Yellow dog,

 doing doing what are you doing?”

The yellow dog says: “Wo wo… singing singing I am singing.”

The mother dog says: “Wo wo… Black dog Black dog,

doing doing what are you doing?”

The Black dog says: “Wo wo…. playing playing I am playing”

The mother dog says: “Wo wo…, Blue dog Blue dog

doing doing what are you doing?”

The Blue dog says: “Wo wo…reading reading I am reading.”

And the white dog says: “Wo wo…drawing drawing I am drawing?”

The mother dog says: “ see see let me see.” “Ok, mum.”

The dogs say “Look look what is mother doing?”

 “eating drinking She is eating and drinking.” The BB dogs say “coming coming We are coming ”

2、Follow to learn老师鼓励能讲故事的学生一起讲

3、Task for every team

  1)刚才mother dog 是怎样问the dogs的呢?

  2)The yellow dog 是怎样回答的呢?

  3)The white dog 是怎样回答的呢?

  4)The dogs看到他们的妈妈正在干什么?他们怎么说?

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原文地址:英语教案-Unit seven In the park-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
