Teaching aims and demands

Four skills:

Spring ,summer, autumn, winter, season, January, hot, warm, cool, wear, last, fromto

One skill:

What’s the weather like today?

What happens in spring?

Teaching tools:

some pictures

a tape recorder

Teaching Procedure


 (1).Ask the students to recite the passage A day on the farm

 (2).Ask the days and the dates


Ask the students by showing some pictures:

How many months are there in a year?

What month is it now?

Who was born in January()?

Put up the pictures on the blackboard in four groups

Tell: There are four seasons in a year.

They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Spring: cold but get warmer/on holiday in February/have a rest/get ready for the Chinese New Year/have a big family party/lots of nice food/(sweet) dumplings/rice cakes/say “Happy New Year!” to each other/windy in the north in March/rainy in the south /farmers get busy/everything comes to life/trees turn green/flowers come out/best time to plant trees/go out and play /fly kites/go boating/go climbing hills

Summer: very hot in most parts of China/much more rain/grow well/wheat harvest/help with the farm work/May Day----Workers’ Day/Children’s Day/Young Pioneers’ Day/Party’s Birthday /have a rest in the summer holidays/ go to the park/zoo/sing and dance/go swimming/go to the seaside /help parents at home

Autumn: not too hot/get cool/enjoy holidays in August/new term begins/be back at school/Teachers’ Day/eat mooncakes/fruit-picking/October 1st---National Day/flowers on the streets and in the parks/very happy/rice harvest

Winter: get cold /trees turn yellow /leaves fall/windy/wear warm clothes/snow/ all white /go skating/skiing /like playing snowballs/old year is going/new year coming/have exams/very busy/winter holidays begin

Ask: (1).When is spring in China?

It’s from February to April.

It lasts from February to April.

Explain: last

1.adj. last year last October the last floor

2.v. The play lasts for two hours.

3.n. at last

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原文地址:Teaching Plan for Lesson 61-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
