科目 英语
年级 初三
文件 middle3 unit17.1.doc
章节 第十七单元
【 抛砖引玉 】
Ⅰ . 词汇学习
market , bridge , museum , crossing , across , group , glass - topped , point , surprise , teapot , thermos , thirsty , found , sign , entrance , exit , smoke
on show , hundreds of , a group of , point at , be surprised , make tea , move on , break down , wear it a lot , go across the bridge
Ⅱ . 句型学习
Turn right at the second crossing .
Take the second turning on the left .
The P.R.C was founded on October 1 , 1949 .
Ⅲ . 语法学习
Ⅳ . 交际英语
【 指点迷津 】
1 . market 市场;集市;销路
She went to the market to but vegetables .
The market for cotton is weak . 棉花的销路不旺。
[点拨]market 指经常出售货品的“市集”,fair 指定期的“集市”,一般在乡下或小镇举行。
2 . bridge 桥
We built five bridges last year .
The bridge was built five hundred years ago .
[点拨]burn one/s bridges 背水一战,不留后路。
3 . museum 博物馆
I visited the museum yesterday . 我昨天参观了博物馆。
I went to the Palace Museum in Beijing last year . 去年我参观了北京故宫博物馆。
[点拨]the British Museum 不列颠博物馆。
4 . crossing 十字路口;人行横道;交叉点
We must look at traffic lights at crossing . 在十字路口一定要看交通信号灯。
This is crossing of two roads . 这是两条路的交叉点。
[点拨]at a crossing 在十字路口。
5 . across 横过;穿过;在……的另一边 ( 介词 )
I walked across the street . 我横穿大街。
He swam across the river . 他游过河去。
There is a bridge across the rive .
The hospital is across the street . 医院在街对面。
[点拨]across 主要强调从某物的一端横越到另一端。through强调从中间穿过。
6 . group 组,一组。
The students discussed these questions in groups . 学生们分组讨论了这些问题。
A group of students are planting trees . 一组学生在植树。
[点拨]a group of 一群 ( 组 ) 。in a group = in groups 成群地
7 . point 指;旨向;指引 ( 动词 )
He pointed at the picture on the wall . 他指着墙上的画。
He pointed the way to the station . 他指引到车站的路。
He pointed to the birds in the tree . 他指着树上的鸟。
[点拨]point at sth 表示指点近处的物体。point to sth . 表示指向远处的某物。
8 . surprise 1 ) 使惊奇;使感意外 ( 动词 )
The news greatly surprised us . = We were surprised
greatly at the news . 这消息使我们大为吃惊。
2 ) 惊奇,诧异 ( 名词 )
He heard the news without surprise . 他听到这个消息后,并不感到惊奇。
[点拨]to one/s surprise 使某人吃惊的是。in surprise 吃惊地。
9 . thirsty 口渴的 ( 形容词 )
I feel thirsty . 我口渴
Salty food makes us thirsty . 咸的食品使我们口渴。
[点拨]thirsty 的比较级、最高级有两种形式:thirstier , thirstiest 或加 more , most . be thirsty for 渴望…。thirst 是名词“渴”。
10 . PLA 中国人民解放军
He is a PLA man . 他是一位中国人民解放军。
[点拨]PLA 的全称为 People/s Liberation Army
11 . PRC 中华人民共和国 ( 全称为 People/s Republic of China )
The People/s Republic of China was founded in 1949 .
12 . Party 共产党 ( 小写指党、政党;聚会 )
The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921 .
[点拨]join the Party 入党。
13 . found 成立;建立 ( 动词 )
They founded this school last year .
[点拨]found 的过去式、过去分词为 founded 。founder 为创始人。
14 . sign 标志;符号;迹象;招牌
The“Stop”sign changes“go” . 红灯变成了绿灯。 ( 交通信号 )
These are traffic signs . 这些是交通标志。
The weather shows no signs of getting better . 天气没有好转的迹象。
He made a sign for me to follow him . 他打了个手势,要我跟着他去。
Shops often have signs outside showing what the shops sell . 商店常在外面挂个牌子标明所出售的东西。
15 . entrance 入口;入场;进入 ( 名词 )
This is the entrance to the cinema . 这是电影院的入口。
He passed the entrance examination for college . 他通过了大学的入学考试。
Her father made a sudden entrance . 她父亲突然进来了。
[点拨]entrance 后常接 to 表示“……的入口”。其动词为 enter .
16 . exit 出口;太平门
There is another exit in the building . 这栋建筑还有另外一个出口。
17 . smoke 1 ) 吸烟,冒烟 ( 动词 ) 2 ) 烟 ( 名词 )
The fireplace is smoking . 壁炉是冒着烟。
My father is always smoking . 我父亲老是吸烟。
[点拨]have a smoke 抽烟。
1 . in the centre of 在……的中心
We live in the centre of the city . 我们住在该城市中心。
He placed the roses in the centre of the dining - room table . 他将玫瑰花放
2 . on show 展览,陈列
She was fond of looking at new dress on show .
What is on show in the Museum ?
There will be something new on show next month in Wuhan . 下个月在武汉有些新东西展览。
3 . hundreds of 数面
Hundreds of workers work in this factory . 数百名工人在这个工厂工作。
4 . point at ( 用手 ) 指向,指出
One of the boys was pointing at something in the garden . 其中一个男孩,用手指向花园里的一件东西。
The teacher is pointing at the map of China on the wall .
It/s rude to point your finger at people . 用手指人是不礼貌的。
5 . these days 现在,目前;如今
He is working hard these days . 他现在工作很努力。
Tom/s trouble is very common to boys these days . 汤姆的毛病在如今男孩中是很普遍的。
6 . move on 动身,出发,继续往前走
They keep moving on from one place to another .
It was raining hard , but the officer told us to move on . 天下着大雨,但长宫叫我们继续前进。
7 . begin with 以……开始
We began with the first lesson . 我们从第一课开始。
8 . end with 以……结束
He ended his letter with good wishes to the family . 他以向全家问好结束了他的信。
9 . in the old days ( 在 ) 从前,过去
That/s what we did in China in the old days , before thermoses were invented . 那就是在旧中国,暖瓶发明以前我们的作法。
He could remember the things in the old days .
10 . look up 查阅
If you don/t know the meaning of a word , look it up in a dictionary . 如果你不懂某个词的意思,可以查一个字典。
You can look up her telephone number in the book . 你可以在电话号码本查一下她的电话号码。
11 . get out ( of ) 出来,离开
There were so many people in the doorway that we could hardly get out . 问口有那么多人,我们简直走不出去了。
He gets out the lift . 他从电梯里面出来了。
We got out of the cinema at 10 : 30 .
【 学法指要 】
1 . 表语从句的句型
That/s what we did in China in the old days .那就是我们中国从前的作法。
[明晰]What we did China in the old days 是表语从句。表语从句在句中作表语,它位于主句的连系动词之后。又如:
That/s why she is so happy .
This is what we want .
The question is whether can finish our work by tomorrow evening .
2 . make + 宾语 + 动词原形
It makes me feel thirsty . 它使我感到口渴。
[明晰]①make 在此句中是“使,迫使”之意。make sb . do sth . 是一种跟不带 to 的不定式的结构,feel thirsty 就是不带 to 的不定式,作句中宾语 me 的宾语补足语。
He made them fear him . 他使他们惧怕他。
②在被动语态中,make 后面的不定式带 to . 如:
He was made t

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原文地址:九年级英语第十七单元What was it used for ?-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
