科目 英语
年级 初三
文件 middle3 unit18.1.doc
标题 Planting trees 植树
章节 第十八单元
【 抛砖引玉 】
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
plant , wonderful , dig , deep , stick , tie , diagram , forest , copy , million , towards , mountain , harvest
neither…nor , knock…into… , next to , so that , cut down , millions of , stop…from doing sth , blow…away , not only…but also… , in a few years/ time , far away , thanks to
Ⅱ. 句型学习
Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight .
The more , the better .
The river near here is over four metres deep .
The Great Green Wall is between 400 and 1 700 kilometres wide .
Trees must be watered well .
The earth should be pushed down hard .
More or less !
While you/re doing that I/ll go and get some water .
1 ) 含有情态动词的被动语态的构成及用法。
2 ) 计量的表达。
Ⅳ. 交际英语
【 指点迷律 】
1 . plant 1 ) 种植 ( 动词 ) 2 ) 植物 ( 名词 )
We planted some roses in the garden .
April is the time to plant trees .
They are planting vegetables .
[点拨]plant 还可作“工厂”讲。
2 . wonderful 极好的;精彩的 ( 形容词 )
That/s a wonderful idea .
What a wonderful invention !
He told me a wonderful story .
[点拨]have a wonderful time 过得极为愉快。
3 . neither ( 两者 ) 都不
[点拨]1 ) ( 两者 ) 都不的 ( 形容词 )
Neither watch works , they are both broken .
[注意]neither 作形容词只能与单数名词或代词连用。
2 ) ( 用于否定句 ) 也不 ( 副词 )
John won/t go , and neither will I .
He cannot swim , neither can his brother .
You did not see him , neither did I .
3 ) ( 常和 nor 连用 ) 也不 ( 连词 )
It is neither blue nor green .
Neither you nor I am right .
4 ) ( 两者 ) 都不 ( 代词 )
Neither of them is good health , but they work hard .
Neither of the stories was true .
[点拨]neither…nor…连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语的单复数符合就近一致原则。如:Neither you nor he is kind .
4 . nor 也不 ( 用在 neither , nor , not , never 等否定词之后 ) ( 连词 )
I have neither brothers nor sisters .
I didn/t go , nor did they .
He doesn/t want to go there , nor do I .
5 . dig 挖,掘 ( 动词 )
They have started digging their potatoes .
He was digging a hole .
The truth was dug out .
[点拨]dig 的过去式,过去分词,现在分词分别为 dug , dug , digging。
6 . hole 洞;坑
The boat has a hole in each side .
Please fill the hole in my tooth .
7 . deep 深的,深厚的,深色的 ( 形容词 )
There is a deep well in our village .
This river is not very deep .
Her coat is deep red .
The old man had a deep love for the Party .
[点拨]be deep in a book 埋头读书。talk deep into the night 谈到深夜。deep 常用于具体的深度,包括时间和空间。deeply 用于抽象的、比喻的“深”。
8 . earth 土;泥;地球;大地
Mother planted flowers in the earth .
The earth is bigger than the moon .
9 . tie ( 用绳、线等 ) 系;扎;拴 ( 动词 )
The boy tied the dog to the tree .
They tied him with cords .
I am tied to my work all day .
[点拨]tie sth to… 把……系 ( 拴 ) 在……tie sth , with sth . 用……系 ( 拴 ) … 10 . water 浇水、灌溉 ( 动词 )
They are watering flowers in the garden .
They are watering the streets .
[点拨]water 作抽象名词和物质名词表示一般概念时前面通常不用冠词,只有当它被一个限制性定语修饰时才加冠词。
11 . untrue 不真实的;假的 ( 形容词 )
It is an untrue story .
He is untrue to his friends .
[点拨]untrue 是由形容词 true 加前缀 un - 构成的。
12 . forest 森林
Most part of the country is made up of forest .
They travel in the forest once a year .
[点拨]forest 指占地广大,而人迹稀少,有鸟兽栖息的森林,而 wood 指树林,人工培植林,或已开发的林子。
13 . sand 沙;沙子;沙滩
A child likes to play with sand .
The children are playing games on the sands .
[点拨]sand 作“沙,沙子”讲是不可数名词,当“沙滩”讲是可数名词。
14 . copy 照搬;誊写;模仿 ( 动词 )
Copy the sentence down .
He copied a page of the book .
Copy this down in your notebook .
I want you to copy carefully from this model .
[点拨]Copy in the examination 考试作弊,Copy down 记下,抄下。
15 . northern 北方的;北部的 ( 形容词 )
The northern part of our country is very cold in winter .
[点拨]northern 无比较等极形式,类似的还有:southern 南方的,eastern 东方的,western 西方的。
16 . million 百万;百万个 ( 人或物 )
There are more than five million people in this city .
Millions of people went to the streets to welcome the king .
[点拨]million 前如有数词,million 则不加 s , 如加了s 后必接 of。
17 . toward ( s ) 向;朝;对于 ( 介词 )
A group of students are walking toward ( s ) she sea .
She was walking toward ( s ) town when I met her .
Is he friendly towards her ?
What are his feelings towards us ?
18 . among 在……之中 ( 介词 )
She was sitting among her children .
I found him among the crowd .
There is a small house among the trees .
[点拨]among 表示三者或三者以上的之间。
19 . mountain 山;山脉
It is difficult to get to the top this mountain .
They are climbing the mountain .
The mountains were covered with snow .
[点拨]in ( the heart of ) mountains 在 ( 深 ) 山中,a mountain of difficulties 困难重重。
20 . grow
①种植;栽培 ( 及物动词 )
In early spring we grow trees around our house .
②生长,成长 ( 不及物动词 )
Plants cannot grow without water .
The rice is growing fine .
He has grown into a fine young man .
③发展,增长 ( 不及物动词 )
They city is growing fast .
The population is not growing so fast in this area .
[点拨]grow 的过去式,过去分词为 grew , grown . grow 还可作系动词用,后接形容词作表语,grow up 长大,成人。
1 . neither…nor 既不……也不
He is neither Japanese nor Chinese .
Neither he nor I know that .
Neither you nor I am right .
Neither you nor he is right .
Neither he nor you are right .
2 . knock…into 把……插进;把……敲进
Knock a long , strong stick into the earth next to the hole .
A long stick must be knocked into the earth .
Knock the nail into the wall , please .
3 . make sure 务必;查明;弄确实
Make sure that it is straight .
Make sure that all the windows are closed .
Make sure you get there on time .
I think there is a train at 5 : 15 , but you/d better make sure .
Have you made sure of the time of the train ?
4 . in a few years/ time 几年之后
In a few years/ time , we hope to cover those mountains , too !
[注意]in… /s ( s/ ) time , 表示“在某时间之后”,又如:
She is going to Beijing in three days/ time .
I/ll be back in a week/s time .
He will be back in an hour/s time .
He has promised to pay me in three months/ time .
5 . tie…to 把…捆在 ( 拴在 ) ……
He tied the horse to the tree .
They tied the bad to the big tree .
When he woke up , he found himself tied down to the ground .
6 . be just right 正合适,合适的。
The weather is just right for travelling .
This book is just right for reading .
7 . stop…from doing 制止……不使……;阻止
It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south .
The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away .
8 . point to ( point at ) 指向,指引
He points to the high mountains far away .<

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原文地址:九年级英语第十八单元Planting trees 植树-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
