三年级英语Look at my family tree练习题

Step 1  Review
一、 选用适当的单词填空。
(1)-Is this ________(a,an)apple?
   - Yes,________(it’s,it is).
(2)-Clean _________(you,your)teeth.
(3)-How many __________(square,squares)are there.
   -There_________(is,are) one.
(4)-Lend ________(I,me) a pencil,please.
(5)-What __________(shape,shapes)are they?
   -___________(There are, They’re) rectangles.
(6)-What ________ (shape,shapes)is this?
   -___________. (It’s,They’re)a square.
Step 2  Words and Text

Step 3  Grammar
1.主语跟be(am,are,is)要保持一致,即第一人称单数,如I用am;第二人称,如you用 are;第三人称单数,如he,she,it等用is;第一人称复数,如we用are;第三人称复数,如they用are。此外,下面的词组应视为第三人称单数,如:Miss White, Wang Xiaoming, your sister, that man...;下面的词组应视为第三人称复数,如:my father and mother, your sisters, those women...例如:
I am Li Qing. Those boys are my friends.
We are brother and sister.
My grandfather is an old teacher.
2.知道old等元音发音的词前面不用 a,而用 an。例如: an orange, an apple.
3.在由who提问的句子里,主语跟 be也要保持一致。当提问的人不知道 who是单数还是复数时,一般用 is,例如:
(1) “Who Am I?”is a film().
(2) Who’s that man? He is my father.
(3) Who are you? I’m Tom. I’m a policeman.
(4) Who are they? They’re my friends Lily and Lucy.

一、 选择适当的单词填空。
(1) The boy ___________(are,is) Liu Xiang.
(2) The girl’s mother ___________(is,are)beautiful.
(3) Look __________(at,on) the boy.
(4) Is __________(he,she) Sam’s daughter?
(5) ___________(Who’s,What’s) that girl? _________(Is,Are)she your sister?

二、 把问句的英文大写编号写在相应的答句前的括号内。
A.Is that your family tree?          (   )(1)Yes,she is.
B. Is that old woman your grandmother?(   )(2)No,it’s Jane’s family tree.
C. Is the man with a hat your father? (   )(3)Yes,there are.
D. Who are those two children?        (   )(4)They’re trees.
E. What are these?                    (   )(5)They’re Mary and Tom.
F. Is there a big toy car in the box? (   )(6)There are three.
G. Are there two triangles?           (   )(7)No,there isn’t.
H. How many trees are there?          (   )(8)No,he is my uncle.
Step 4   Homework
一、 用下面所给的单词组成句子。
(1) Ben, where, is ?    __________________________________________
(2) children, who, those, are ? _____________________________________
(3) Tommy, brother, my, is. _________________________________________
(4) that, is, who, girl?  ___________________________________________
(5) sister, are, Bob’s, you? _______________________________________
二、 阅读短文,把名字写入家谱中的括号内。
I am Ann. This is my family tree. Look! John is my grandfather. Mary is my
Grandmother. Lily is my mother and David is my father. Ben is my mother’s brother.
Susan is his wife. Janet is my little sister. I love my family.
                    John                        (        )

     (      )Susan                     (         )  (        )

                                              Ann    (        )

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原文地址:三年级英语Look at my family tree练习题发布于2021-10-22
