
(1) New words and phrases
memory, back, everything, umbrella, dry, newspaper, morning, at breakfast, say good bye to, useful, scientist, invent, all the time, always, everywhere, born, be born, May, move, understand, so-so, at first, most, luck, April, hate, fly, painting, air port
What did you do yesterday morning? When did they come to China?
Why did they move to France? Who came to visit your school?
I cant remember.
They came to say good-bye to us.
When / where were you born? I was born on…/ in …
Do you enjoy living here?
Good luck with you…
2. 能力目标:
  (4)使学生能掌握c. ck . qu . f . ph .等几个辅音字母的发音规则。



  本单元的教学活动主要是教会学生如何谈论过去的经历。为此课文做了精心设计,以Mr. Mott夫妇 和his memory robot 之间发生的故事开展教学活动,一般过去时的教学贯穿始终,重点突出了谓语动词为实义动词的一般过去时的用法。不但包括了实义动词一般过去时的陈述句形式还包括了一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句形式,使整个教学活动重点突出,内容丰富。



  本单元单词数量多而且出现了大量的不规则动词的过去式学生难以掌握,教师应注意循序渐进,可以先让学生在课文中找出那些是动词的过去式,然后将这些词写在黑板上帮助学生在不规则中找出规律, 再加深记忆。如:

get -got, forget - forgot

begin-began, sing- sang, give - gave, swim- swam

say - said, pay - paid

know - knew, grow - grew, throw - threw

cut - cut, let- let, hurt - hurt, put - put, read- read






  1. He often gets up at six. But yesterday he________ at seven.

  2. My father always buys a cake for me every year on my birthday. But last year he ______ a book for me.

  3. Tom always plays chess with peter. But yesterday peter _______.










Last year



More careful

Last summer


This summer

Play football

Last term

Like Chinese

This term

Like English

  Tree: I am the tree in the school .I know Xiao Ming well. Every day I see him study in the classroom.

Bird: Was Xiao Ming a careless boy?

  Tree: Yes, He often forgot his glasses last year. He even forgot the telephone number of his family.

  Bird: Does he often forget anything now?

  Tree: No, he became more careful now.

  Bird: Did Xiao Ming like Chinese last term?

  Tree: Yes, but this term, he likes English better than Chinese.

  Bird: What sports did Xiao Ming do last summer?

  Tree: He often swam last summer.

  Bird: When and where did he swim last summer?

  Tree: He often swam in the river after school. But this summer he always plays football.

  (2) 教师可以要求学生将第三十三课第二部分按对话的内容改写成一篇日记以加深学生对对话的掌握如下:

  I got up at 6:45. I went for a walk and bought a newspaper before breakfast. I read newspaper at breakfast. After breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Turner came to see me. He started packing at 9:15and finish it at 10:40.


  1) need 名词, 意思是“需要、必要”。其复数形式是“必需品”。例如:

  There is no need to hurry. 没必要着急。

  I feel the need of exercise.我觉得需要运动。

  We are in need of food. 我们需要食物。


  Many families are in great need.许多家庭处于贫困的情况。

  A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

  2) need用作实义动词时,意思是“需要、必须、必要”。例如:

  My coat needs mending.我的上衣需要缝补。

  I need some money. 我需要一些钱。

  We need to work hard. 我们必须努力工作。

  3) need用作情态动词时,意思是“需要、必须”,常放在疑问句和否定句中。例如:

  Need he go? = Does he need to go? 他必须去吗?

  “Must I do my homework now?”“我现在必须马上做作业吗?”

  “No, you needn’t.” “不,不必。”

  注意:need作情态动词时,因为无人称和时态的变化,所以它的过去时用had to来代替,而将来时则用will have to来代替。例如:

  He had to get up early because he wanted to climb the hills.


Lesson 33教学设计方案

  Teaching Objectives

  Go on learning the simple past tense and enable Ss to remember the past form of regular and some irregular verbs.

  Talk something about robots.

  Properties: Tape recorder, multi-media computer

  Language Focus: go on a trip  robot    start doing  finish doing

  Teaching Procedures

  I. Revision

  1. Suppose a student were the businessman in Lesson32, say something about himself.

  2. Dictate the words in Unit 8.

  II. Leading - in

  1. In the nowadays world, science and technology are developing faster and faster.

  Can you say some latest and most sophisticated technology?

  Have you ever imagined that one day a memory robot can be taken with you and do many things for you? What can they do?

  2. (With the help of multi-media) show some pictures of robots if possible.

  III. Presentation

  1. Today, we’ll meet Mr. Mott, his wife Susan and his memory robot. You’ll see what the memory robot can do for Mr. Mott.

  2. Describe picture in

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原文地址:The memory robot-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
