

  一般将来时be going 句式和will, shall句式;
  sunny, cloudy, cloud, rainy, wind, windy, snowy, later on, ring up, west, report, north, south, at times, temperature, above, below, worse, foggy, low


  1.-What’s the weather like today?
   -It’s sunny.
  2.-What was the weather like yesterday?
   -It was cloudy.
  3.How cold it is today!
  4.Will you please +动词原形
  5.It’s better to do sth.



  本单元的话题“天气预报”(Weather report ) ,交际功能项目是“谈论天气”(Talking about the weather),它们紧密联系。重点语言结构选用了will 和shall表示的动词一般将来时,因为这种时态常用于天气预报。同时复习了be going to等句型。本单元还集中学习了表示方向的单词,如north, northeast等。

本单元四课的听、说、读、写活动无一不是围绕中心话题“天气”的。Lesson 45 由日期开始谈到天气,用一组插图引出描写天气的形容词,并发出感叹,介绍了How cold it is! What a cold day! 还用It’s going to be/ get …说明天气的变化,很自然地复习了形容词的比较等级形式。 Lesson 46的对话和天气预报进一步巩固复习了有关天气的日常交际用语和语法句型。Lesson 48主要复习 及有关字母和字母组合的拼读规则,学习[tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]四个辅音音标及有关的字母和字母组合的拼读规则。



  1.用“will / shall +动词原形”表示对未来的“预见”,如果句子的主语是人,也可能表达一种“意图”。

  (1) You’ll feel better if you take this medicine. 如果你吃这种药,你会感觉更好。

  (2) John will meet you at the airport. 约翰将在机场会见你。

  2.用“be going to + 动词原形”表示将来打算做的事情或者根据现存的各种因素,推断很快将发生的事情。

  (l) What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算做什么?

  (2) Its going to be sunny tomorrow. 明天可能是晴天(根据所观察的)。

  3.“be + v. ing”表示按计划安排的,在最近即将发生的动作。可用于此种用法的动词有:come, go, die, leave, arrive, begin等。

  The bus is coming. 公共汽车就要来了。

  4.可用一般现在时表示将来时间,即表示按规定或时间表预计要发生的动作或事态。可用于此种用法的动词有start, leave, come, go等。

  (1)The football match takes place on Friday. 星期五有一场足球赛。

  (2)The term starts at the beginning of October. 这学期将于十月初开学。



  1.一般性谈论天气:Lovely day, isnt it? 好天气,不是吗?


  Its cold today, isnt it? 今天冷,不是吗?

  Its very cold, but quite sunny. 今天天很冷,但很晴朗。


  (1) Its rather windy today, isnt it? 今天风相当大,不是吗?

  (2) Its blowing strongly. 今天风刮得很大。


  (1) It looks like rain, dont you think so?天看上去像是要下雨,你不这么认为吗?

  (2) Its quite windy, and theres a lot of snow. 风很大,会有雪的。


  (1) Its much too cold/hot. 太冷(热)了。

  (2) Its hot for this time of year, dont you think so? 对于每年的这个时候来说太热了,你不这么认为吗?


  1.What bad/good weather! 多糟(好)的天气!

  2.The radio says the sun will come out later. 广播说过会儿太阳将出来。

  3.Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.华北、华南大部将是冷湿天气。

  4.It will be cloudy/rainy at times. 有时天气将多云(有雨)。

  5.The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again. 白天气温在零度以上,夜间又降到零度以下。

  6.Beijing will be sunny. 北京晴。

  7.Whats the temperature today? 今天的气温是多少?

Lesson 45 教学设计方案

Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives

  1. Learning new words about the weather and talk about the weather.

  2. Learn to use exclamatory sentences.

  3. Teaching a new tense the simple future tense.

Ⅱ. Properties

  Recorder, Overhead Projector, Computer

Ⅲ. Language FOCUS :The simple future tense and exclamatory sentences.

Ⅳ. Teaching Procedures



  How cold it is today! But it’s warm in class. So I will put off my coat.


  2.把cold, warm两词写在黑板上, 问学生:Did you listen to the weather forecast yesterday? 然后放一段当天的天气预报的英语录音,将录音中出现的形容天气的词写在黑板上并解释。

  cloudy  sunny   rainy  wet  windy  snowy




  --What’s the weather like in Harbin today?



  colder, warmer, drier, hotter, wetter



  Ask the students to make sentences about the weather. Then let them do some exercises.

  A: What’s the weather like?

  B: 1. It’s wet and windy.

    2. It s rainy and windy.

    3. It’s sunny and hot.

    4. It s very snowy, but quite warm.

    5. It s very rainy, but quite hot.

    6. It s very dry, but quite cold.




  Remember the structures:

  1. How + adj. + subject + verb!

  2. What + adj. + noun(singular or plural) + subject + verb!

    e.g. How cold it is today!

    What a cold day (it is today)!


  1. Look at the chart below and ask the students to make sentences using the simple future tense.


  1) Mark “√” refers to affirmative sentences.

  Mark “×” refers to negative sentences.

  Mark “?” refers to general questions and make answers to all these questions.

  2) Add a future time to the end of each sentence if necessary, eg. tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, next Sunday/year/month, later on, soon, …

  2. Let the students do some translations.

  1. 她是一位多么善良的女孩呀!

  2. 这是一部多么有趣的电影呀!

  3. 他们是多么有耐心的医生呀!

  4. 这些书是多么新呀!

  5. 今天天气是多么好呀!

Keys:1. How kind the girl is! = What a kind girl she is!

   2. How interesting the film is! = What an interesting film is!

   3. How patient the doctors are! = What patient doctors they are!

   4. How new these books are! = What new books they are!

   5. How fine it is today! = What a fine day (it is today) !

  3. Dialogue Practice

  T: Look at Exercise Two. Listen to the tape and repeat after it.

  Now let the students use the patterns to practise more.

  At last, try to ask them to make some new sentences. For example:

  1.A: How dry it is today!

   B: Yes, but it’ll be wetter later on.

  2.A: What a dry day!

   B: Yes, and it’ll get drier, I’m afraid.

Exercises in class

Fill in the

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原文地址:Whats the weather like-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
