
  1.掌握重点单词和词组:take an active part in, catch up with, neck and neck, go on doing sth,

  2.熟练掌握as…as 句型的用法.




  Step 1 Revision.

  1.写出下列形容词、副词的比较级和最高级形式:good, far, long, short, slow.


  What are the girls doing?

  Does Zhang Ping run faster than Helen?

  Who win the game?

  What are the boys doing?

  Who swims highest? 

  Does Jack swim as quickly as Xiao An?

  2. Revise the vocabulary of sports meetings.

  A: Which kinds of sports are there in a sports meeting?

  B: There are 100-metre race, 400-metre race, 800-metre race, long jump and high jump, and so on.

  Step2 Presentation



  Ask the students to discuss the questions on page 37. Then ask the students to discuss what is happening in the pictures on page 37.

  Step3 Reading

  1. Let the students read the passage to find the answer to the question: Which two classes were in front? (Class 1 and Class 3)

  2. Ask the students to draw a chart of the race like this:





Class 1

Yu Yan

Wu Peng

Class 2

dropped stick

Jiang Honglin

Class 3

Li Lei


Lin Tao

Class 4

fell & hurt leg

  Who ran Lap 1 for Class 3?

  3. Listen to the tape, and answer these questions:

  Where did Mr. Hu stand?

  Who passed the stick to Yu Yan?

  Did he catch up with Jim?

  Which Class runner dropped the stick when he was passing it on to the last runner?

  Who hurt his leg and stopped running?

  4. Explain the language points.

  1) get ready to do/be ready to do 准备做……   例如:

[1] [2] [3] 下一页  

    强调行为  强调状态

  I will get ready to leave for Shanghai.

  I’m ready to help you.

  get ready/be ready + for sth.

  Im ready( = I have got ready)for the exam.

  Are you ready for the spelling? Yes, We are all ready.

  2) But he quickly got up and went on running. 但他迅速爬起来继续赛跑。

  go on doing sth. 意为:继续做某事。如:He went on talking about the film after the guest left. 客人走后,他继续谈论那场电影。


  He went on to talk about a film after the guest left. 客人走后,他(改变话题)开始谈论一场电影。

  这个句子的形式是:to go on to do sth.

  与go on doing sth. 意思相近的有go on with sth. , 例如:Please go on with your work. 请继续干你的工作。

  3) He began to catch up with Jim. 他开始赶上吉姆了。

  catch up with是追赶,赶上的意思。如:

  1) You have to work hard in order to catch up with the others. 你得努力学习,赶上别人。

  2) You walk on and Ill catch up with you later. 你接着走,我一会儿会赶上你的。

  这一句也可写成:You walk on and Ill catch you up later.



  4) pass…on to sb. 把……传给某人  on是副词,表示“继续,接着”,强调动作发生的连续性。pass的宾语是名词可位于on前或后,pass的宾语是代词必须位于on前。例如:

  I’ll read the story after you, and then Ill pass it on to Lucy.

  They both passed on their sticks/passed their sticks on at the same time.

  After you read the note, please pass it on.

  5. 教师板书以下短语,要求学生用动作表演:

  1) stand at the starting line 2) Ready? Go! 3) Come on!4) pass the stick onto sb. 5) to be neck and neck 6) drop ones stick 7) fall, hurt ones leg, quickly get up and go on running

  6. 学生讨论: Which Class will win the match? And what happened in this match at last?

  A: 学生先将比赛最后的过程写下来.(三五句话就可以)

  B: 分小组进行讨论.

  C: 选出每小组写的比较好的同学读自己写的段落.

  Step 4 Summary


  Step 5 Exercises in class


  1. Lily did _________ of all in the 200- metre race. Bad luck!

  2. Walk down the road and you will see a large hospital ________ the end of the road.

  3. Its about supper time and they wont stop. They just work ________.

  4. Look at the two dogs! One is sitting on _________.

  5. Lets get ________ for the spelling!

  6. What sports will you be ________ tomorrow?

  7. We all know Sam studies _________ carefully in our class.

  8. Mary didnt run fast enough, but she ran _________ than Lucy.

  9. Jame sits ________ me and often pulls my hair in class.

  10. The two runners passed their sticks ________ the same time.

  Keys: l.worst 2.at 3.on 4.the other 5.ready 6.in 7.most 8.faster 9.behind 10. at

  Step 6 Homework

  1. Copy the words and the phrases.

  2. Do the exercises 2.3 on page 104.

上一页  [1] [2] [3] 下一页  

  3. Retell Lesson 86.

  4. Finish the work book exercise.

  Writing on blackboard

Lesson 86

The Relay Race

Language points

1. get ready to do sth./get read for sth.

2. pass. . .on to sb.

3. go on doing sth. = go on with sth.

4. as.. .as

At the end of the second lap Class 3 runner and Class I runner were neck and neck.

上一页  [1] [2] [3] 

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原文地址:Lesson 86 教学设计方案-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
