



  1.句型:1)It’s quite a nice picture.2)I’m sorry to trouble you.3) to find it difficult to do sth. 4) Would you please not do this?

  2.语法:学习过去进行时态(The Past continuous Tense I)








  本单元主要围绕What were they doing?这个话题来谈论过去的活动,学习了过去进行时态的构成和基本用法及有关的一些重点词语。本单元还出现了一些近义词,通过主题我们还学了一些日常用语和重点句型。在学习课文The man upstairs的同时,我们得到了教育和启发,课文告诉我们在日常生活中要注意公共道德,不要因自己而影响他人,给别人带来不必要的麻烦。另外本单元提到和出现了时间状语从句。重点讲到了过去进行时态与时间状语的关系,初步进述了过去进行时与一般过去时的区别。


  1. get on well with


  How are you getting on with your English teacher?

  I’m getting on well with him.


  My son is getting on well with his work. He feels very happy.

  2. sound


  Light travels faster than sound. We can see light first.


  Does this sentence sound right?

  I think it’s right.

  3. He found it very difficult to sleep and he was rather angry with the man upstairs.

  (1)这个句型为find + it + 形容词 + 动词不定式。句中的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。形容词充当宾语补足语补充说明it。这样就避免了头重脚轻的现象,使句子平稳。例如:

  I found it easy to work out the problem. I can do it by myself.


  I think it very important to learn a few English words every day.

  I agree with you.


  1. I am sorry to trouble you.

  (1)Sorry表示“事后的歉意”,如失约、迟到,打扰别人或无法承诺,受到责备需要委婉地为自己辩解等,还可以表示失礼等之后的难过和后悔。I’m sorry后可接不定式、从句或与介词 for/about搭配,也可采用I’m sorry + but + 从句(but在这儿表示客气,故不译成“但是”)的句型。例如:

  ①I am sorry I’m late.

  ②I’m sorry, but I left your book in the room.

  (2)Excuse me也可以表示“道歉”,常用于向陌生人请求帮助,请别人让路、问路、借东西。询问,打断他人发表不同意见,请求暂时离开等场合,后面要具体说明请求对方原谅的内容。例如:

  Excuse me. Can you tell me the time? I am sorry, but I don’t have a watch.

  (3)类似表“歉意”的句型还有:I’m afraid that…例如:I am afraid that I’m late.

  (4)对“道歉”的答语常用的有:Never mind/ Not at all./ I doesn’t matter./ That’s nothing./Please don’t worry. / Forget it./ No problem.

  2. Would you please not do this?

  (1)Would you please(not)...?表示一种委婉、客气的请求别人干某事或不干某事,其答语可以是:Certainly./Yes, all right./ I’d glad to./With great pleasure./OK等表了肯定。I am sorry I can’t./ I’m afraid I can’t do it./ Certainly not.等表示否定。例如:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页  

  1)Would you please help me?


  2)Would you please not make a noise?

  Well, of course.


   Could you. . . ? Will you please. . . ? May I. . . ? Please. . .


  ①Could you carry it for me?

  ②Will you please help me?

  ③May I borrow your bike?

  ④Please wait for your turn.


  动词的过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某一时间内正在进行或发生的动作。它的结构为was(were)+ 动词 -ing。老师在讲授这一时态时不必泛泛而谈它的语法功能,而要在与现在进行时和过去式的比较中逐步理解和掌握。



  1. The teacher is talking with some students in the classroom, now.

  2. They are listening to music in the next room, now.

  3. What’s Li Lei doing? He’s drawing a picture on the blackboard.

  4. What are your parents doing? They are watching TV.

  5. My English teacher is writing a novel these days.

  通过这些句子复习现在进行时的结构,is(are)+ v-ing的用法。接下来用幻灯再打出如下句子:

  1. The teacher was talking with some students in the classroom this time yesterday.

  2. They were listening to music in the next room at ten o’clock yesterday.

  3. What were your parents doing when your brother came back? They were watching TV.

  4. What was Li Lei doing when the teacher came in? He was drawing a picture on the wall.

  5. My son was learning English in Australia last autumn.



  T: What are you doing now?

  S: I am / We are having an English lesson.

  T: What were you doing at this time yesterday?

  S: I was / We were having a Chinese lesson.


  接下去作问答操练。What were you / was he / … doing at this time yesterday? I / He / She was having…We / They were having…Were you / they having…?Was he / she having …?并用肯定或否定的答语回答。这样操练的目的是训练语言的准确性。

  在教学中,要向学生说明:过去进行时常常与过去某一特定时间的状语连用,如本单元所列举的last night, last Saturday, at ten o’clock yesterday morning, at noon yesterday, 还有at that time, (at ) this time yesterday等。但是,有些过去时行时的句子不带时间状语,而是由上下文暗示,例如文中的He was feeling very tired. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. 从上下文可看出时间状语是the next evening.



  T: What was the man doing last night?

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  He was cooking. I think he is a cook.

  What was the boy doing yesterday?

  He was playing computer games. I think he is interested in computer.


  What were th

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原文地址:Unit 24 What were they doing?-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
