


Textbook: Junior English for China Book 2


Content:  Lesson 82,Unit 21


Course: Learning and discussing


Students:  Class4,Grade 2


Time:    Forty-five Minutes


Date:  March, 2004


Teacher: Fang Xianghong




Lesson 82

TASK  The Ss are to survey the favourite music and musician





ITeaching aims and demands

1. The Ss can use the following words:

Moonlight, sonata, poor, afford, knock, dim, blind, shine, brightly, through, silently

2. The Ss can use the following expressions:

Pardon me. to one’s surprise, lose oneself in

IIDifficult points

Using reflexive pronouns    Using the compound sentence.

IIITeaching aids: CAL

A recorder, some pieces of paper, some pictures

IVTeaching steps

Step One Warming up

1. watch flashes of some music before the bell rings.

2. Greetings

3. Chatting

The teacher is chatting with the Ss to revise the words “music, rock, piano, violin, pop” etc. and the expressions “Did you learn by yourself? Could you ….”

T: Did you hear the music just now?   S: Yes, I did.

T: Do you enjoy listening to music?   S: Yes, we do.

T: What music do you like better, piano or violin?

S: Piano. (or violin)   T: Can you play the piano?

S1: No, I can’t.   S2: Yes, I can.

T: Could you play it three years ago?  S: Yes. (No)

T: When did you begin to learn it? S: I began to learn …

T: Did you learn it by yourself?  S: No.

T: Who taught you?    S: …. did.

Step Two Language input


I was not so lucky, happy as you. When I was at your age, I wanted to learn playing the piano, but the piano was so dear and my family was poor(not rich)that my parents couldn’t afford to buy one for me. Can your parents afford to buy you a piano

Look at this CD.I couldn’t afford to buy one ten years ago, I think.

T: Can you tell me the name of music that we heard just now?

S: Yes (No)  It’s …           T: Who composed it?

S: Beethoven did.   T: Who is Beethoven?

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原文地址:英语教案-Learning and discussingJunior English for China Book 2B-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
