Unit 12   What is the weather like?(教案


步骤1  复习


How cold it is today!

What a fine day! Will it last long?

I think it’ll get better soon.

The radio says the snow will… I have to stay…

The temperature will stay above/below/will be…to…

I’m afraid…

I think the weather will be much better/worse/drier/…

步骤2   教学过程

1) 语法 :一般将来时


I/You/He/…will go.

I/You/He/…won’t go.

shall I/we go? Will you/he/she…go?


How heavy it rains!

What a cold day!

步骤3   【基础知识精讲】

1.It’s very cold,but quite sunny.天很冷,但晴得很好。


sun-sunny wind-windy cloud-cloudy

太阳 晴朗的 风 有风的 云 多云的

rain-rainy snow-snowy

雨  有雨的  雪  有雪的

2.But the fruits here are very sweet because there is strong sunshine here.可是这里的水果非常甜,因为这里强烈的阳光。

because后接 there is strong sunshine是对前面主句的原因解释,是原因状语从句,如:

I am late because I missed the early bus.


3.Have a great time.玩得高兴的。

4.It will be cloudy at times.有时多云。

at times=sometimes“有时”

5.The temperature will stay above in the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again. 白天温度将在零度上,但夜间又降到零度以下。

(1)above zero零上,below zero零下


(2)若在正上方或正下方,用over和 under。如:

①Those birds are flying above the trees.树的上方飞着鸟。

②Now we’re flying over the city and we can see the station under us.现在我们在飞越城市上空,我们可以看到正下方的火车站。

③There are two desks below the light.灯下有两张桌子。

6.Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.


(1)most of表示“绝大多数”、“绝大部分”,其后可接the(或指示代词、物主代词)+名词。如:

①Most of his pens are new.他的钢笔绝大部分是新的。

②Most of the food is delicious.绝大部分食品味道好。

North China.专有名词,“华北”。类似的有:South China.华南,West China.华西,East Hubei.鄂东。

7.There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River.淮河的北部有大风。

(1)to the north of表示在某地区或范围之外的北部。为:

Kaifeng is to the north of Wuhan.

(2)in the north of指在某一地区或范围之内的北部。为:

Hohhot is in the north of China.呼和浩特在中国北部。

(3)on the north of也指在某地区之外的北部(边),但强调接壤。为:

Henan is on the north of Hubei.河南在湖北北边。

8.I think the weather will be much better.我想天气会好得多的。

(1)the weather will be much better是谓语动词think的宾语,也就是说该句是整个句子中的宾语从句。引导词that省略。

(2)much better“好得多”。


He is much taller than I.他比我高得多。

9.The radio says the clouds will lift quite quickly.收音机说云将会很快散去。

(1)say用在letter. radio. TV.newspaper等词后作调语,意思是:“有报道”,“写道”之类意思。

His letter says he will visit our school next month.



They lifted the basket on to the truck.他们把篮子抬到卡车上。


He uses a lift to go up and down.他坐电梯上下楼。


quick-quickly strong-strongly slow-slowly

快的 快地 强有力的 强有力地 慢的 慢地

heavy-heavily bright-brightly near-nearly

重的 重地 明亮的 明亮地 接近的 接近地

步骤4  布置课内作业




Unit 12   What is the weather like?(教案


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