Teaching Plan for Section A(1), Unit 12, SB1Y8


Teaching Goals:

l      Learn to make comparisons.

l      Learn to talk about preferences, using the Comparison Degree and the Supervision Degree: most important; better, best; worse, worst; more / most comfortable, etc.

l      Finish off Activity 1a- 1c, P71.





l      Daily English.

l      Talk about the Ss’ favourite activities on weekends:

What do you often do on your weekends?

What do you want most to do on your weekends? And why?




TASK ONE: Learn to talk about preferences

l      Lead into the new learning task by asking the Ss: Do you often go to movies?

l      Ss talk about movies:

What kind of movies do you like best?

Do you like thrillers or comedies? Why?

Which cinema do you often go to watch the movies, and why?

l      Help the Ss learn to say:

* I like … most / best.

* I like … better than… because I think….

* I often go to… because it’s the best cinema in our town.

* Because it is closest to my house.

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原文地址:《新目标英语》第八册Unit12 教案-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
