

Ⅰ. 词汇学习

washing , baby , garden , instead , tired , rest , fat , thin , round , do the washing , look over , take exercise , tidy , volleyball , mommy , problem , instead of

Ⅱ. 语音学习


Ⅲ. 语法学习

熟练掌握 have to 的陈述句、疑问句及简略答语。

Ⅳ. 交际英语

I have to look after the baby .

Do you have to… ?

What does she have to do ?

She has to…

What do you have to do round the house ?

She will come if she can .

What do you mean ?

I don/t understand .

No problem .

Keep everything clean and tidy .



1 . have to 不得不,必须

〖 点拨 〗该词相当于must 。must含主观性比较强烈。have to含客观性强。

She doesn/t feel well , she has to go to see a doctor . 她感到身体不好,她得去看医生 ( 看病 ) 。

注意对比:I must go home now . I have nothing else to do .

I have to go home now . I have an important thing to do . I will leave for Shanghai tomorrow .

2 . tidy 弄整洁,弄整齐

〖 点拨 〗该词可作动词也可作形容词。

Little Lucy can tidy ( up ) her own room . 小露茜能收拾她自己的房间了。

This is a tidy room . 这是整洁的屋子。

You must keep the room tidy . 你必须保持房间的整洁。

3 . washing 冲洗,洗 ( 衣 ) ,洗澡

I want to do some washing this evening . 今天晚上我想洗衣服。

〖 点拨 〗do some washing洗衣服。a washing machine洗衣机。

Please wait a moment . He is washing now .

4 . baby 婴儿,年龄最小的人

What a lovely baby ! 多可爱的婴儿啊 !

〖 点拨 〗a baby boy男婴,a baby girl女婴。

The baby is crying all the night . Perhaps she is ill .

5 . garden 花园,庭园,菜园

There are many kinds of flowers in the garden . 花园里有许多种花。

They are working in the garden .

6 . volleyball 排球

He likes playing volleyball very much . 他非常喜欢打排球。

〖 点拨 〗play volleyball打排球。注意球类名词前不用冠词。又如:

All the boys and girls are playing volleyball at the back of our school .

7 . instead 代替,顶替

Please give me this instead . 换这个给我吧。

〖 点拨 〗instead 是副词,常放在句末。

instead of 是介词词组,of 后面接名词、代词或相当名词的词。表示1 ) 代替,以代。如:

I will go instead of you . 我愿代你去。

2 ) 而不,而不是

Instead of working , he had a good rest . 他好好休息了一下而没有工作。

注意instead of连接的对等平行结构:They will go there by bus instead of on foot .

8 . mommy = mummy 妈妈 ( 美国英语 )

I am hungry , mommy . 我饿了,妈妈。

〖 点拨 〗口语中还用mum一词表示“妈妈”。mother是书面语。

9 . tired 疲劳的,累的

〖 点拨 〗注意 tiring 是“令人疲劳的”。That is a tiring job .那是一件令人疲劳的工作。

Are you tired ? 你累吗 ?

She looks tired out . 她显得疲惫不堪。

10 . rest 休息

Sit down and rest for a while . 坐下来休息一会儿。

Let/s rest ( have a rest ) here , shall we ? 我们在这里休息一下,好吗 ?

〖 点拨 〗take / have a rest = take / have a break休息一下。

另外,rest还可以作“其余的”讲。The rest of the boys are short .

11 . problem 问题,习题

Today we/ll think about the second problem . 今天我们要思考一下第二道习题。

〖 点拨 〗该词有待解决的问题,而 question 为有待回答的问题。

- May I ask a question , Miss Gao ?

- Of course , please .

12 . fat 肥的,胖的,

She is a fat girl . 她是个胖女孩。

Nobody likes fat now . 现在没有人喜欢吃肥肉。

〖 点拨 〗该词可作名词表肥肉。fat的反义词是:thin 。

My mother is thin , but my father is too fat .

13 . thin 瘦的,薄的,稀薄的

The ice on the lake is too thin for skating . 湖上的冰太薄,不能溜冰。

八年级英语第二十四单元What do you have to do ?_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力一文由备课库www.beikeku.com搜集整理,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处!

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原文地址:八年级英语第二十四单元What do you have to do ?_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
