章节 第二十一单元




【 抛砖引玉 】


  Ⅰ. 词汇学习

  happily , easily , carefully , worried , feel worried about, pingpong , hard-working

  Ⅱ. 语法学习

  简单句的基本句型 ( 一 )

  ( 1 ) 主语 + 不及物动词:

  He swims .

  They are listening .

  ( 2 ) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语:

  She likes basketball

  They know me .

  ( 3 ) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语:

  The bike is new .

  She felt worried .

  Ⅲ. 交际英语:

  What can I do for you ?

  I need to do some shopping .

  I/m worried about my party .

【 指点迷津 】


  1 . pingpong 乒乓球

  〖 点拨 〗乒乓球也可说 table tennis .

  She plays pingpong very well . 她乒乓球打得很好。

  2 . hard-working 努力工作的

  He is a hard-working teacher . 他是一位勤奋的老师。

  〖 点拨 〗类似的词如:peace-loving爱好和平的。

  3 . happily 幸福地,快乐地
  The children are playing happily . 孩子们正愉快地玩着。

  〖 点拨 〗该词为 happy 的副词形式,作状语。happiness是其名词形式。注意:live a happy life过着幸福的生活。

  4 . easily 容易地,轻易地

  We did it easily . 我们很容易地把它做了。

  〖 点拨 〗其形容词为 easy .

  It is easy for sb to do某人干……很容易。It is easy for her to bring the books here .

  5 . carefully 仔细地,小心地

  Listen to the teacher carefully ! 仔细听老师讲 !

  〖 点拨 〗该词为 careful 的副词。careless粗心大意的。carefully = with care认真地。

  You’d better do your homework carefully .

  6 . worried 担心的,烦恼的

  〖 点拨 〗注意 worry 可作动词和名词“担心,焦虑”,be worried about = worry about “对…感到担心”。

  - What’s the matter with you , Tom ?

  - My parents haven’t been back yet . I am worried about it .

  1 . telephone number 电话号码

  What is your telephone number . 你的电话号码是多少 ?

  Perhaps his telephone number is wrong .

  - Is this 9998345 ?

  - Sorry , you have the wrong number .

  2 . do some shopping 买些东西

  We/re going to do some shopping . 我们打算购买一些物品。

  〖 提示 〗类似词组还有:do sport 从事运动 / do the cooking 烹调,烹饪 / do washing 洗衣服 / do cleaning 做扫除 / do one/s homework 做家庭作业 / do one/s lesson 做功课

  Mr . Smith likes doing sport after meals . 史密斯先生喜欢饭后参加体育运动。

  Is Rose going to do washing this afternoon ?

  I don’t like to do shopping with her this afternoon , Mum .

  3 . Please help yourself 请随便吃,请自己动手 ( 拿、吃、抽烟等 )

  Please help yourself to wine . 请随便用酒。

  〖 提示 〗表吃什么,拿什么时,该词组要加介词 to 再加宾语。

  Boys , help yourselves to more bananas and oranges .

  Sir , help yourself to some cigarettes (香烟).

  注意:help sb with帮助某人干…… 。She always helps me with my Chinese on Sunday .

  4 . get ready for 为……做好准备,为……准备好

  Have you got ready for the party ? 这个聚会你已经准备好了吗 ?

  〖 点拨 〗get ready to do准备好干…… 。Please get ready to run , class .

  5 . on the other side of 在……的另一边

  On the other side of the river there are some banana trees . 在河的对岸,有许多香蕉树。

  On the other side of the street there is a book shop .

  〖 提示 〗指两者之中的另一边。

  6 . like to do 与 like doing:

  〖 提示 〗这两者都表示“喜欢做什么”。区别如下:

  like to do 指喜欢做特定的或某次具体的行动,指一时的爱好。

  I like to swim in the river . 我喜欢在这条河游泳。 ( 特定场合的具体行动 )

  ( 试比较:I like swimming . 我喜欢游泳。 )

  like doing 指喜欢做某事,即长期的爱好和兴趣。试比较:

  Do you like swimming ? 你喜欢游泳吗 ? ( 指长期的爱好 )

  Would you like to swim with me tomorrow ? 你愿意明天和我一起去游泳吗 ? ( 特指明天一次具体行动 )
  另外:如果用于否定结构,like to do 与 like doing 就没有什么区别,可以换用。如:

  I don/t like smoking = I don/t like to smoke . 我不喜抽烟。

  7 . like 与 would like 的区别:

  〖 提示 〗like ( 喜欢,爱好 ) ,后接名词、代词、不定式或动名词。

  Do you like fish ? 你喜欢 ( 吃 ) 鱼吗 ?

  would like 意为“想要,愿意”解时,是 wish 和 want 的意思。用于礼貌性地提出要求或表示愿意提供帮助。其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式。但不能接动名词。

  Would you like something to eat ? 你想吃点什么东西吗 ?

  would like sb to do愿意让某人干 ……。

  My father would like me to go to Beijing with hin this summer .


【 学法指要 】


  1 . as + 副词 + as

  Read this passage as quickly as you can . 你尽快读完这段短文。

  这具句型中第一个 as 为副词,第二个 as 为从属连词,引导程度状语从句。又如:

  He ran as fast as he could . 他尽力地快跑。

  He works as hard as you . 他与你一样努力工作。

  2 . Not… 否定主语的句型

  Not everyone likes sandwiches . 不见得每个人都喜欢三明治。

  not 无论放在句首或句子其它地方,与 all , every 等词连用时,只表示部分否定,又叫做“部分否定句”。如:

  Everyone does not like sandwiches . 每个人不见得都喜欢三明治。

  Not everyone is a worker . = Everyone is not a worker . 不见得每个人都是工人。

  Not everyone agrees with you . 不是人人都同意你的意见。

  Not all people agree with you . 不是大家都同意你的看见。


  1 . What can I do for you ? 你要点什么 ?

  这是对顾客的礼貌用语,还可以说 Can I help you ? 如:

  ― What can I do for you ? 你要点什么 ?
  ― I want to buy a new coat . 我想买件新上衣。

  ― Can I help you ?

  ― Two cups of coffee . = Two coffees . 请来两杯咖啡。
  2 . She felt worried . 她很焦急。

  feel 是连系动词, worried 是形容词,在句中作表语。turn , get , look , be 等动词也是连系动词,都可接形容词构成系表结构。如:

  He felt happy . 他很高兴。

  The trees turn green . 树儿绿了。

  ※ 表示具有某种性质、特征或处于某种状态。常用的有 be , appear , feel , sound , seem , book , smell , taste 等。例如:

  It is not late . 时间还不晚

  The dish smells good . 这道菜闻着香。

  He seemed to be writing something . 他好象在写什么东西。

  His words sounds all right . 他的话听起来有道理。

  ※ 表示动词所叙述的动作和过程所产生的结果;或者表示状态的变化。常用的有:get , go , come , become , turn , grow , fall , prove , run , make 等。例如:

  The custom has now become a rule . 那习俗已变为成规。

  The milk in the cup will go bad . 杯子里的牛奶要坏了。

  Her face turned red .

  ※ 某种持续的状态。常用的有:keep , continue , stand等。例如:

  She knew she must keep calm . 她知道她必须保持镇静。

  ※ 除 make 等个别词外,几乎所有的连系动词都能接形容词作表语。例如:

  Our country is getting stronger and stronger . 我们国家日益强大。

  ※ 接名词作表语的有:become , get , look , make , seem , turn 等。例如:
  Now you look a grown-up young man . 现在你看上去已经是一个成年的小伙子了。

  One tree does not make a wood . 独木不成林。

  He used to be a soldier till he turned writer . 他当作家之前曾是战士。
  ※ 我们还应注意某些连系词和形容词的固定搭配及其褒贬色彩。比如,come 多接褒义形容词,

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原文地址:八年级英语第二十一单元Mainly revision(总复习)_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
