


A.单词 birthday 生日,party聚会,tell告诉,feel感觉,laugh大笑doorbell门铃,sandwich三明治,plate盘子,candle蜡烛

B.词组have a party举行聚会,give…the message把这个信息给……

2.日常用语 1)It does’t matter.没关系。2) see you!=Good bye!再见!3) Thank you for asking me to …。谢谢你邀请我……。4) May I speak to …,please ?我找×××接电话。5)Here’s your present。这是给你的礼物。6)Happy birthday! 生日快乐。7)There is no time to …。没有时间做某事。



邀请:1) Would you like to …? 2) I hope you can…

应答:1) Thanks a lot for…? 2) I would love to … 3) I’m very sorry, I can’t …

请求许可:1) May/ Could I speak to …, Please ? 2) Can I …?

应答:1) Certainly. 2) I’m afraid not. 3) sure. 4) No, you can’t.



1) 单独使用,可作肯定回答,相当于Certainly或Yes。例如:

①-Would you like to come ??/FONT>Sure。阍敢饫绰穑当然愿意。

2)祈使句Be sure +动词不定式,可用于表示向对方提出强烈的要求,意为“务必”、“切望”。例如:

②Be sure to return it next week. 请务必下星期归还。

③Be sure to come again to Beijing.一定要再来北京。

3)be sure +动词不定式,表示说话人的一种推测或判断,可译为“一定”、“肯定”。例如:

④It’s sure to snow this afternoon.今天下午一定会下雪。

⑤The old woman is sure to live to ninety.那个老人肯定能活到九十岁。

4)be sure +of /about.表示主语,即人“相信”或“对……有把握”。例如:

⑥Mr Green is sure of his business.格林先生对自己的工作很有把握。

⑦I am sure of getting to the top.我自信能达到顶峰。

5)be sure +从句,表示“肯定”、“有把握”。例如:

⑧I am sure that my sister can skate well.我肯定我妹妹滑冰特棒。

⑨Are you sure he is living in Xi’an ?你肯定他就住在西安吗?


⑩She’s sure to stay here./I’m sure of her staying here./I’m sure that she will stay here./Surely she will stay here.


1)That’s right.“对”,“很对”。例如:

①-Classes begin at 7:40, don’t they ? -Yes, that’s right.?-7:40开始上课,是吗?-对.

2)All right.“行”、“好(吧)”、“(病)好了”。例如:

②-Shall we go out for a walk ?-All right .我们散步去好吗?-行。好。

3)That’s all right.“没关系”、“不用谢”。是向对方致谢或道歉时的礼貌用语。例如:

③-I’m sorry I have broken your pen.-That’s all right.


④-Thank you very much.-That’s all right.别客气。


1)be afraid +动词不定式,表示不敢做某事。 2)be afraid of +动词?-ing,表示害怕出现某种结果。例如:

①I am afraid to get up late because I’m afraid of getting there late.


2)I’m afraid +从句,往往相当于I’m sorry, but …,表示带有歉意的回绝,表示带有一种担忧。例如:

②I’m afraid I can’t go with you.=I’m sorry, but I can’t go with you.


3)I’m afraid so与I’m afraid not常用作答语,前者表示肯定,后者表示否定。so和not相当于that从句。例如:

③-It is going to rain.?-Yes, I’m afraid so./Yes. I’m afraid that it is going to rain.-是的,恐怕是要下雨了。

④-Shall we play foot ball here ?-I’m afraid not. /I’m afraid that you mustn’t play football here.我们在这儿踢球行吗?-恐怕不行。

注:I’m afraid与I hope互为反义。例如:

⑤I’m afraid she won’t go there tomorrow.我担心/怕她明天不去那儿。

⑥I hope she won’t go there. 我希望她明天不去那儿。



1)so +助动词/情态动词/连系运动+另一主语,表示另一主语与前面某人的动作或状态有着相同的肯定概念。例如:

①I am a student and so is she.我是个学生,她也是。

②They had a good time last night, so did I.昨晚他们玩得很愉快,我也是。

③He can swim and so can I.他会游泳,我也会。


④-This story is very interesting.-So it is.-这个故事很普通.-的确如此。

⑤-They study very hard. ?-So they do .-他们学习十分努力.-的确如此。

5. It’s a pleasure. 与with pleasure的区别。

△It’s a Pleasure./ A pleasure与You are welcome.等习语意义相同,用于当别人对你说Thank you. 时,即“不用谢”。例如:

-Thank you for coming to see me . -It’s a pleasure.-谢谢你来看我.-不用谢。

△With pleasure与All right, No problem. I’d like to等习语意义相同。用于别人求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候。例如:

-Could you post the letter for me ? -With pleasure.


注:简而言之,It’s a pleasure用于事情发生之后,而with pleasure用于事情发生之前。



1)( )A. happy B. fly C. July D. dry

2)( )A. English B. shine C. thank D. thing

3)( )A. reach B. child C. teacher D. school

4)( )A. above B. love C. strong D. son

5)( )A. count B. country C. young D. enough

6)( )A. weather B. heavy C. great D. ready

7)( )A. tooth B. foot C. book D. good

8)( )A. similar B. south C. sure D. bus

9)( )A. birthday B. yesterday C. today D. says

10)( )A. park B. warm C. party D. part


1)-Your father isn’t a worker, is he ? - .

A. No, he is .

B. No, but my mother is

C. yes, but my mother is

D. yes, he isn’t

2)-Thank you for teaching us so well, Miss Gao. - .

A. Certainly

B. Right

C. All right

D. That’s all right.

3)-Where are you, lucy ?-I’m in the bedroom, and .

A. Lily is so

B. Lily so is

C. so is Lily

D. so Lily is

4) a great party ! delicious the cake is !

A. What, What

B. What, How

C. How, How

D. How, What

5)I get up very late this morning. There no time have breakfast.

A. was, to

B. had, to

C. was, for

D. is ,with

6)-May I use the bike, please ?- , it’s not mine.

A. I’m afraid not

B. I’m afraid

C. I’m afraid so

D. I think so

7)-Lovely weather!- .

A. Yes, you are all right

B. Yes, isn’t it ?

C. No, you are wrong

D. No, it is sunny.

8)-Hello, may I speak to Jim, please ?- .

A. I am Jim

B. I am here.

C. This is Jim speaking

D. My name is Jim

9)-I’m sorry I’ve broken your pen. - .

A. Don’t say sorry

B. No

C. It does’t matter

D. It’s not true

10)-Could you take a message for me, please ?- .

A. with pleasure

B. I’m glad

C. Thanks

D. It’s a pleasure


We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago, most people in Europe did not know anything about tea. Some people had heard about it, but very few of them knew what to do about it.

There’s a story about an English sailor(海员) who went do countries in the east, the west and the south. He had been to India and

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原文地址:八年级英语第十八单元Come to the party_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力-教学教案发布于2021-10-22
