【课题】 Unit 10  Section A  1a-2c   (1课时)
温故知新     复习短语
go swimming 去游泳  wait in line 排队   hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事 
So am / do I 我也是。
It looks like rain 看上去要下雨了。
wait for the bus/ train 等车   be late for/to   迟到
I hope so/not. 我希望如此/我不希望这样。   
1、学生观察1a中的图片相互提问:A:what can you see in picture 1?
B: I can see…….  A:What are they doing?  B: They are …….(学生通过相互提问熟悉图画内容,为听力做准备。)
2、教师让学生归纳1a-2c中所出现的反意疑问句,让学生观察、总结反意疑问句的构成。知识剖析:  反意疑问句要点简述
如:It looks like rain, doesn’t it?    
 He doesn’t need to work so late, does he?
    1. 陈述部分是there be 句型,疑问部分也用 there be 句型。
There is a book on the desk, isn’t there?
 2. 陈述部分如有 nothing, nobody, never, few, little, hardly 等否定词时(不包括加否定前缀变来的,如:dislike, unhappy等),疑问部分用肯定形式。
     They have never been to the farm, have they?
There is little water in the glass, is there?
He dislikes history, doesn’t he?
 3. 陈述部分为祈使句时,反义部分用 will you , won’t you 。以Let’s开头的祈使句,疑问部分用 shall we .
     Go to the cinema now, will you?
    Let’s have a party, shall we?
   4. 陈述部分含宾语从句时,疑问部分一般反问主句,但主句含有 I/We think/believe/suppose … 时, 疑问部分要反问从句(要注意否定转移情况)。
He knew that the woman was a thief, didn’t he ?
I don’t think he is a good student, is he?
(   )1.The poor man needs our help,_____ he?
A. isn’t      B. aren’t       C. doesn’t      D. hasn’t
(   )2.It seldom rains here in spring,_____?
A. is it       B. does it      C. isn’t it       D. doesn’t it
(   )3.You don’t drink milk in the morning,_____?
A. do you    B. don’t you   C. are you      D. aren’t you
(   )4.―Look at the sky . I think the rain is going to stop soon.
A. Me too    B Very good   C. Yes, I do     D.I hope so
1、掌握反意疑问句的结构及运用。 2、学会使用I hope so.

(   )1.He is a singer,__________ __________?
(   )2.They are playing baseball,__________ __________?
(   )3.He walks to school every day,__________ __________?
(   )4.It looks like rain,__________ __________?
(   )5.You like this dress,__________ __________?
【课题】 Unit10  Section A  3a -4 (1课时)
    1. 知识目标:继续学习反义疑问句的用法
2. 情感目标:描述与陌生人聊天注意的事项,学习该聊些什么,如何将话题展开。
温故知新 (一分种内,完成下列单词及短语,组内互相交换检查.)
 1.中午______       2.含沙的_____  3.再见_____ 4.浏览____  5.下雨天______
6.在周末____       7.去游泳__________         8.看起来像______ 
9 .忘记带雨伞_______________      10.排队等候      
1.陈述句如果是there be结构时,疑问句部分仍用there。如:
There once was a man named Saint Nicholas, wasn’t there?
2. 在英语口语中,“I am +表语结构”,后面的反意疑问句多用aren’t I 来体现。
如: I am very interested in learning English, aren’t I?
 3. 陈述句的主语是动词不定式,动词的-ing形式或从句,疑问部分的主语多用it来体现。如:Taking care of our environment is very important, isn’t it?
What he said it is right, isn’t it?
4. 陈述句中含有not, no, hardly, neither, never, few, little, too …to等否定词或具有否定意义的词时,疑问部分常用肯定形式。如:
Few people knew the news, did they?
Tom has never been to England, has he? 但陈述句中如果带有否定意义的前缀和后缀的单词时,整个句子仍视为肯定句,反意疑问部分多用否定形式。
如:She is unhappy, isn’t she?
5. 陈述句的主语是nobody, no one, everyone, somebody等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用they(当强调全体时)或he(当强调个体时)。如果陈述句的主语是something, nothing, anything, everything等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用it。
如:No one knows him, do they?  
Someone is waiting for you, isn’t he?
Nobody says a word about the accident, do they?
     Everything seems all right, doesn’t it?
6. 陈述句是主从复合句时,如果主句的谓语动词是think, believe, expect, feel, guess等词,且主语是第一人称I时,反意疑问部分的人称、时态与宾语从句保持一致,同时还要考虑到否定的转移。如:
I believe that the boy can get a ticket for you, can’t he?
(   )1.―Do you think it will stop raining        noon ?
―Well , it is really hard to say .
A. in         B. by       C. on       D. for
(   )2. ―This is great weather , isn’t  it ?
      ―It  is  sure . But it’s  a little hot        me .
A. to         B. on       C. with     D. for
(   )3.After you finish        your homework ,you can go online for a while ,but you are not allowed        computer games .
A. doing , playing          B. to do , playing  
 C. doing , to play          D. to do , to play
 (   )4.Why        come a little earlier ? We have had a lot of delicious food prepared .
A. don’t      B. don’t  you    C. not  to     D. aren’t  you
(  )5. ____I haven’t  been to America.
A. So have I  B. Neither have I  C. So I have   D .Neither I have
1.I am sure that it`s a_________________(rain) day tomorrow,do you think so?
2.The day after tomorrow my grandmother is going to have her____________(ninety) birthday.
  3.This is a__________________(sand) field,so you can`t plant any rice in it.
  4.There is something wrong with my head,I am not ___________________(I) today.
  5.I have never ___________________(see) the film which is named “Hero”.
1 .It’s very hot today,   _______________ ?
2. He can speak Chinese,   _______________ ?
3. Meimei studies in a middle school,  _______________ ?
4. He never gets up late ,  _______________ ?
5. Don’t go out at night,  _______________ ?
6. He never loves cold weather ,   _______________ ?
7. You finished the task yesterday,   _______________ ?
8. It  _______________  a  good day for swimming, is it?
9. Tom has been to Singapore ,  _______________ ?
10. The story is little interesting,  _______________ ?
【课题】 Unit1 0 Section B  1a-2c  (1课时)
温故知新 复习上节课所学知识,把你认为重要的词组、句子写出来,比一比谁写的多。
让学生明确: 在闲谈过程中,问别人一些私人问题(如年龄、收入等)是非常不礼貌的。应当避免。
1.P 79 1a How much did that shirt cost? 那件衬衣多少钱?
句中cost作动词,意为“花费”,与pay, take, spend同义,但用法不同,其句型为“某物+cost +人+时间/金钱”。试比较下列句子:
 The book cost me five dollars.          这本书花了我5美元。
It took me five dollars to buy the book.  买这本书花了我5美元。
I spent five dollars on the book.        我花5美元买这本书。
(1)sth. cost sb. money某物花某人金钱
(2)It takes sb. money to do sth. 花某人金钱做某事
(3)sb. pay money for sth. 某人为某物花金钱
(4)sb. spend money on sth. 某人在某物上花钱
2. p79  This is a great party, isn’t it?
陈述部分的主语是this, that时,疑问部分的主语多用it; 陈述部分的主语是these, those时,疑问部分的主语多用they。如:
This is a dictionary, isn’t it?
Those are shelves, aren’t they?
2. 跟我谈谈你自己________________________________________
3. 你是新来的,对吗?________________________________________
4. 你觉得这所学校怎么样________________________________________?
5. 星期五晚上的比赛________________________________________
6. 一个球迷________________________________________
7. 闲聊 ________________________
8. 你总是去这所学校吗?______________________________________-
    (   )1.There are few people in the room,       ?
A.  are they    B. aren’t they  C. are there  D. aren’t there
(   )2.――You are new here, aren’t you?
          ――          .
A. Yes, I’m not  B. No, I am    C.Yes, I do  D.  Yes, I am
(   )3.Allen         nearly two hours buying this ticket yesterday afternoon.
A.  cost  B. spent   C. paid   D. took
(   )4.――I haven’t been to an aquarium.
A. So have I  B. Neither have I   C. So I have   D. Neither I have
(   )5.I’m really happy        the tickets.
A.to have   B. have   C. has   D. having
1.That was a wonderful night,  _______________ ?
2.Your sister helped him,  _______________ ?
3.Tom is skating,  _______________ ?
4.You aren’t a teacher,  _______________ ?
5.They haven’t been to the Great Wall,  _______________ ?
6.You will join the soccer team,  _______________ ?
7.He likes neither apples nor pears,  _______________ ?
8.There are some good books for you,  _______________ ?
9.They have been there twice,  _______________ ?
10.Let’s do it now,  _______________ ?
【课题】 Unit 10  Section B  3a-4   (1课时)
  A 翻译:
1、feel like__________           2、have a wonderful time________
   3、做某事很难________________  4、出现,发生_______________
    5、为……而感谢_____________   6、至少________________ 7、相处__________
 一、 熟练掌握反义疑问句的运用。写好感谢便条。
1.P 80 3a I feel like part of the group new. 我感觉像是他们中的一员了。
在这一句中,feel表示“感觉到”,而like意为“像”。feel like作为一个短语,意为“欲,想要”。其后常接名词或动名词作宾语。如:
 We’ll go for a walk if you feel like it. 如果你愿意,我们去散散步。
 I don’t feel like eating anything.     我不想吃任何东西。
2.. P 80 3a Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.
动词短语get along意为“和睦相处,相处融洽”。
get along还可用来表示“某方面的进展如何”。比较句子:
He gets along well with his boss.        他和他的上司相处甚好。
How is he getting along with his French? 他的法语学习的情况如何?
3. Yes, at least it isn’t raining. 对,至少现在没有下雨。
 句中at least意为“至少”。least为little的最高级。又如:
It will cost at least five pounds. 它至少值五英镑。
Dear Lucy:
Thanks a lot for inviting me to the Flight Museum,______________
                                Yours sincerely
 1.You dislike this kind of gifts,  _______________ ?
2.Nothing is impossible,  _______________ ?
3.Everything is possible,  _______________ ?
4.He doesn’t go to school by bus,  _______________ ?
5.There is little milk left in the bottle,  _______________ ?
6.Let us clean the classroom by ourselves,  _______________ ?
7.He has studied here for about four years,  _______________ ?
8.You have never lost money before,  _______________ ?
9.Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,  _______________ ?
10.Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard,  _______________ ?
11.She’s American,  _______________ ?
12.There will be a volleyball match in our school, _______________ ?
13.Don’t smoke in the reading-room,  _______________ ?
14.I don’t think he is right,  _______________ ?
15.You must do your homework by yourself,  _______________ ?
16.You mustn’t touch the machine,  _______________ ?
17.He must be a worker,  _______________ ?
18.Someone looked for me yesterday,  _______________ ?
19.I’m a teacher,  _______________ ?
20.What a nice watch,  _______________ ?
21.I wish to use your ruler,  _______________ ?
22.I have to stay at home,  _______________ ? 
23.You’d better wear warm clothes today,  _______________ ?
24.What he needs is his parents’ love,  _______________ ?
25.You’d like a cup of tea,  _______________ ?
26.Don’t be late again,  _______________ ?
27.Their prices are really low,  _______________ ?
28.Reading is good for you to learn English,  _______________ ?
29.No one knows about it,  _______________ ?
30.I think you should study hard,  _______________ ?
【课题】 Unit1 0  Self check   (1课时)
温故知新 (单词、短语大风暴)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   自主互助学习
小组讨论self check 中的活动1 、2并完成相关练习。
   Yes, at least it isn’t raining.
at least意为“至少”。least为little的最高级
 1. I am on duty,  ___________?
2. Your mother is a doctor, ___________?
3. The weather here is very hot, ___________?
4. That’s a Japanese car, ___________?
5. Miss Gao teaches English, ___________?
6. She doesn’t like apples, ___________?
7. Tom had supper yesterday, ___________?
8. She had to get there early, ___________?
9. Mary can’t ride a bike, ___________?
10. There is some milk in the glass, ___________?
   (   )1. We’ll go shopping ________ the weekend.
           A. at          B. on          C. in         D. for
(   )2. ―We’ll have a journey.
           ―Have a ________ day.
           A. find          B. good            C. well           D. better
(   )3. Will you ________ my article to find out whether I’ve made any mistake.
           A. look after    B. look through     C. look up      D. look into
(   )4. She doesn’t feel _____ though she is______.
           A. alone; lonely  B. lonely; lonesome  C. lonely; alone  D. alone; lone
(   )5. After the accident, the neighbors got _______well and helped each other.
A.along          B. across           C. away         D. at
(   )6. He can ________ the small river.
A.pass           B. through          C. across        D. cross
(   )7. --I wish you had brought your wife with you.
         --I’ll get her ________ on the next trip.
           A. coming along with me    B. to come on with me
           C. to come along with me   D. with me to come along
(   )8. ______ English well, you should read it ______ twenty minutes a day.
           A. Studying; at least           B. To study; at most
           C. Study; at least            D. To study; at least
(   )9. We had a small ______when I met him yesterday.
A.talk             B. speak           C. say             D. tell
(   )10.The room was ________ with guests.
A.crow            B. crowed          C. crowded        D. crowd
(   )11. Jim saw so much good at the ________that he didn’t know what to choose.
A.cabinet          B. cake            C. cable         D.dining room
(   )12. We had a meeting three days ago, _________we?
A.haven’t          B. didn’t           C. hadn’t          D. shall
(   )13. Jim comes from England, ________?
           A. does he        B. is he            C. don’t he        D. doesn’t he
(   )14. He can hardly speak French, ________?
           A. can’t he      B. doesn’t he       C. can he         D. does he
(   )15. Nothing grows on top of the mountain,
           A. do it           B. doesn’t it         C. do they        D. does it

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